Airsoft Canada

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hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:09

People talking french here? Little question
Hi, im from Montreal in Quebec and Im not really good in english. I just wanted to know if there were persons talking french on this forum. Anyway, I have little question. Is the Firepower Intimidator ({C106F52C-E5B8-4BC5-9038-6CA9047E796F}&PageType=Product&SKU=41313C6&Categor yID=72) a good gun FOR THE PRICE ?
Cause I dont want to put a lot of money in airsoft right now, just want to try something a little bit more fun that the basic Canadian tire crappy 20$ pistol.

Thansk for answering.

Merci de répondre.

Bowers December 31st, 2008 16:16


Originally Posted by hugoqc321 (Post 889293)
ok but what can i get that is better than this for this price?

get age verified and you can get tons of better stuff

hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:18

I know but I dont really want a super gun like a Marui or even JG, that are not that super. I just want a little 100$ gun, no matter if its clear.

Thanks all for answering that fast im really surprised.

hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:19

lol for sure but for the use that I want to do with my gun it will be ok i think
Just wanna some lil skirmishes with my friends in our little forest.

f3600 December 31st, 2008 16:20

Tu pourrais essayer le M4A1 chez canadian tire mais c'est vraiment cheap...100 $ (edit: je crois que c'est chez walmart ou SAIL a beloil qui ont sa)

Si tu veux avoir des bon gun faut tu fasse vérifier ton age par quelq'un du forum.
Lis un peu le forum sourtout les FAQ pour eviter de poser des question qui ont deja été poser des centaine de fois.

hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:22

ok merci je vais lire ca (malgré que je sois un peu perdu, la FAQ étant le premier document de ce type que je vois sous forme de forum) jvai marranger mais pour le m4a1 de canadian tire je penserasi vraiment pas, ce gun la est 2 fois moins bon que celui que je vais acheter et 2 fois plus cher.

oui oui les deux "SUCK HARDCORE" je sais mais pas grave


hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:26

ok arent we in the newbie tank or something like that? i already said that i didnt want a gun over 100$. And what is the difference beetween clearsoft and airsoft? this firepower intimidator also exists in black plastic and its the same damn thing. Yeah true it looks better but thats all.

White_knight December 31st, 2008 16:27


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 889305)
That is not airsoft. That is cheap clearsoft or "soft air".

This website is for airsoft, not clearsoft.

you do realize that there are mid quality solutions available to him that are clear/cansoft, and that whole "clearsoft = shit argument doesn't really stand anymore. to the OP as said before your best bet is to get age verified, it can be done as simply as going to a game and meeting a verifier in attendance. that way you can play with real players and get to see good guns to better make a good decision in your first purchase.

f3600 December 31st, 2008 16:28

bah sa fait 2-3 game qu'on joue dans lbois.. une a -10 et il fonctionne encore. Sa fait la job pour commencer mais c'est fragile..

De toute maniere le plastique qu'ils utilise c'est vraiment pas solide que se soit un gun a 50$ ou le m4 a 100$.

hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:28

ouais c sur...

hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:29

yeah for sure I will get age verified... In 3 years... That should tell you something... Thanks anyway

The Saint December 31st, 2008 16:30

Airsoft demands a minimal level of financial investment and equipment quality. In Canada, you're not going to get any acceptable guns below $100. Most guns below $100 have plastic internals which will perform poorly and break quickly.

Also, by "our little forest", I hope you don't mean public property.

White_knight December 31st, 2008 16:34

just becuase this is the newbi tank doenst mean that we condone underage players buying guns. if your really serious about this hobby, you may want to read up on the rules a bit more. remeber that if you piss on these people now, they are the same people that you will one day want to play with. look up m700 murder/hot shot under fire and you'll see an example of what im talking about.

hugoqc321 December 31st, 2008 16:36


no i mean are forest that really belongs to us, that weve buyed, that nobody other than us can get in. in other words, a private property

Styrak December 31st, 2008 16:36


Originally Posted by White_knight (Post 889309)
you do realize that there are mid quality solutions available to him that are clear/cansoft, and that whole "clearsoft = shit argument doesn't really stand anymore.

Cansoft is not clearsoft.

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