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Erennert December 27th, 2008 23:39

Hey, i ordering a JG M4 very soon and I was just curious about your guys' experiences with JG's and more specifically the JG M4. Thanks in advance.

Styrak December 28th, 2008 00:21

JG's quality is not TM, but still very good. Their M4 is a clone of the TM M4, so it has all of the good and all of the bad qualities.

Erennert December 28th, 2008 00:22

That's very good to know :D Know any specifics about the M4, Bob the angry Potato sells?

Gunny_McSmith December 28th, 2008 00:23

look for review on google or youtube.....

Styrak December 28th, 2008 00:23

I sell the JG M4 as well. What do you mean specifics? You can look in my thread if you want.

jesster202 December 28th, 2008 00:33

first hand they still have horrible barrel wobbel but a cheep d boys one peice barrel can fix that up.

Dao December 28th, 2008 00:49

I've had a few JG M4/M16 and I think they are pretty solid AEGs. Well worth its price, and I'm not sure, how much lower quality they really are from a TM M4, aside from ACM high lemon rate.

The links below are a couple review from ASC members of the JG M16, which is pretty much the same as the M4, but longer and maybe more accurate due to the longer barrel.

Erennert December 28th, 2008 00:51

Is this true Styrak, there's a barrel wobble? Is the M4 reliable? And a question, what's the difference between a carbine, a M733 and a M4A1?

*EDIT* All the pictures i see of JG M4/M16's make it look like the body is grey while the rest is that just the pictures?

jesster202 December 28th, 2008 01:10

erennert i dont know if you were looking for styrak to awanser this, but form first hand experecne owning 2 jg m4s's one pre 08 and one 08, ill tell you everything the diffrence i found form the 08 and the befour was the gear boxes had the diffrent bushing. Outher than that they both have barrel wobbel even if you get it and it does not it will devlope it quickly also the sock will wobble over time easyer fix though just have to tighten the screw in the stcok, also they are know to have way to much gresse i opened my 08 to put in after market parts it needed to be cleaned out. Also thei si a diffrnce in clour form the body to the parts its allmost if the body looks a shade of grey. as for the good side great to upgrade but imo the d boys is much better as it dosnt have any of theys problems and they also dont suffer what their drop in metal bodys have with their mag problems their pre bulits are great but its up to you jg is solid i belive they surpass tm any day IM.

EDIT and the diffrence form the m773 i know this is carrying hadel isnt detachable!

Erennert December 28th, 2008 01:16

Sorry, i just assumed that you weren't necessarily the best person to listen to, I apologize. As for the rest, that's good information to know, and I guess if I don't like the gray, I could always repaint it. I found out also that it shoots in the 350 range, so i'm not sure if its the 08 one or not...

TokyoSeven December 28th, 2008 01:16

Jing Gong or JG is still a fairly new company in the airsoft universe.Their airsoft guns were considered low quality at best in the begining.Low to mid quality parts and materials bought in bulk from the lowest priced seller and then hastily slapped together and tossed in a box for quick sale. However over the last year or so Jing Gong has risen up the quality ladder quite a few rungs and has produced a number of mid level quality airsoft guns. The quality of the internals is now considered to be fair, and the quality control has improved substanially.

If your considering a JG M4 then you should feel confidend in your purchase. Once you have aquired it and performed a little preventative maintenance then you can enjoy your airsoft gun. Down the road you can maybe look into external parts replacement/accesories as well.

Erennert December 28th, 2008 01:18

Thanks T7, again, good to know, i've heard nothing but good things so far.

jesster202 December 28th, 2008 01:22

my spelling my not be good buy iv owned a slew of guns in my short time more gbbs than aegs but iv had exprence from aegs that i can give a break down of pro's con's and problems. and i ashure you they shot hotter than that

a new one peice barrel some may say its not nesscary but it will prevent a flot of flex in the front end and they range form 30 to what ever,
a good charger
check what the actual fps is and if it is around 370 or down then get a tight bore it will get you more range and a bit more fps (but i have a feeling it will be hot as jg is know for this)

Erennert December 28th, 2008 01:25

Well, i don't want it TOO much hotter than that as it gets on the more dangerous side.

Dao December 28th, 2008 01:44

All the JGs AEGs I've owned shoot above 350 fps, with the M16 going up to 390 fps, and the M733 360fps, and the JG M4/M16 receiver are more of a grey-ish color compared to the rest of the gun, just like the TM M4.

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