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Tigirus December 19th, 2008 21:53

Weaponry Choice
Hi, I'm planning to go into airsoft and I have a few questions; First of all, I'm only 16 so I can't legally start, I'm just planning for when I can.

My first question is what kind of gun should I choose? I've looked in the faqs and he suggests the mp5 but I'm concerned that it might be a bit small as i'm 6'5''.

Second is that I like the FAMAS, but as I have read I hear their un-reliable due to their poor gearbox. Is there a non-crappy brand?

And Lastly, (you don't have to answer this if I'm too young) is there a prefered website to buy from that I could browse?

Sorry about the long winded post, but i'm confused :confused:

Skladfin December 19th, 2008 21:54


Bissa December 19th, 2008 21:59

age verification + this site is the favored purchasing site

The Saint December 19th, 2008 22:02

TM FAMAS isn't unreliable, it's just an old design that's not really supported anymore with aftermarket parts. By the time you hit 18, I wouldn't be surprised if someone has made an updated version.

If you're worried about length because of your height, I'd recommend a M14. Assuming you're not built like a stick bug, anyways. Though really, AK47, full size G36, full stock M16 and SIG550 are all potentially good choices for tall people.

Crunchmeister December 19th, 2008 22:08

I'd say given your size, I'd agree with The Saint. A large, full-size, full stock gun would probably look kind of small in your hand anyway (caveat being the "built like a stick bug" thing). I'm only 6' tall and a full size M16 feels great for me. It should be even more suitable for you. With your size, a full stock gun is a better choice as you can use a large battery. An M14 is a good choice for your size too, although the M14 is not for everyone.

If you plan on playing indoors, a full stock MP5, UMP, M4, or G36C would make a good choice. It would still be big enough for you to feel comfortable yet compact enough to move around in tighter quarters.

Tigirus December 19th, 2008 22:11

Thanks alot guys, all I have to do now is wait for another 1.5 years

Daiviet December 19th, 2008 22:16

6'5" at the age of 16, you're a beast. you don't happen to live in mississauga do you?

Tigirus December 19th, 2008 22:24

nope, in Winnipeg, though the wierd thing is your feet stop growing first and I went of a shoes size a while ago, so that means I might get taller

Capt.Flan December 19th, 2008 22:26




Amos December 19th, 2008 22:28

Hey, check out Xtreme-tactics

You can play indoor CQB aslong as you have parental consent. They've got a league running and everything.

It's a great way to start out in airsoft, that's what I myself did.

Retro December 19th, 2008 22:51

Im 6' 4" and i picked up a m14 for my frist AEG. Feels nice in the hands not overly long feeling unless i slap the silencer on it. Its 44" w/o the silencer and 53" with it. Ive held and used smaller guns like S-systems, m733s, Aks74u's and those smaller rifles and they feel really cramped for me, almost like id have to be a T-rex to use it properly. What i found was best was to pick up and handle as many diffrent types of rifle as you can befor you buy. If you think a regular M14 ill be to long for you, there is also the m14 socom that comes with a shorter barrel.

Armalite December 19th, 2008 23:52

I recommend a M4A1

GSK88 December 20th, 2008 00:00


Originally Posted by Armalite (Post 883828)
I recommend a M4A1

For a big tings guy like that? I dunno, I'm 5'4 and an M4 is about perfect with the stock extended and nothing on the barrel. A foot taller and probably a bit wider....

Armalite December 20th, 2008 00:17


Originally Posted by GSK88 (Post 883833)
For a big tings guy like that? I dunno, I'm 5'4 and an M4 is about perfect with the stock extended and nothing on the barrel. A foot taller and probably a bit wider....

anyway, the guns are designed to be adapted to anyone or about when it is at 1:1 scale. If you are tall, for example in the army, you do not necessary have a bigger gun.

Otherwise ... M249 :p

Disco_Dante December 20th, 2008 00:18


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 883773)
TM FAMAS isn't unreliable, it's just an old design that's not really supported anymore with aftermarket parts. By the time you hit 18, I wouldn't be surprised if someone has made an updated version.

If you're worried about length because of your height, I'd recommend a M14. Assuming you're not built like a stick bug, anyways. Though really, AK47, full size G36, full stock M16 and SIG550 are all potentially good choices for tall people.

I'm six one and my sg550 is big on me, it MIGHT be just right for him. I super-duper-highly recommend a sling for it though.

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