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Schwag April 16th, 2008 12:01

PATCH DESIGN CONTEST. With a crappy prize too!
Hey. Who wants to win $15 worth of crap from my shop?

The Brampton team needs a logo for the patch. Something offensive and funny.

The team is T.W.A.T...tactical weapons and tactics.
YES, I realize this is redundant and silly.

Ideally the design would have some form of angry-looking gentalia holding a gun (preferably hk) and a joint or bong.
Feel free to show the genitalia swinging from ropes, jumping pits of crocodiles, peeing on a map of the u.s. , etc.
Anti-Social themes are good. Ridiculous is good

Not too much clutter, please. Bold lettering and colors are good.
Something that will make people laugh.

Contest will run until sunday, winner picked monday.
Winner gets $15 worth of crap from my merch stash and a free patch once they're done. If you're local, I'll give you a free game pass too.

Let the silliness begin!

BrickHouse April 16th, 2008 12:31

Nice Lobo avatar bud.

Got all his first issues.


Lakonian April 16th, 2008 12:59


I did this in 10 mins. Please don't be harsh on my lame skillz ;)

AXe Hound April 16th, 2008 13:09

twats and guns is there any thing better :P

Schwag April 16th, 2008 13:31

Kos...HA! That's great man. Better than I could have done.

Mongoose April 16th, 2008 14:37

LMFAOROL!!! Good one Kos!!! You definately have too much time on your hands!!

Donster April 16th, 2008 14:45

and kos for the win!

Syn April 16th, 2008 14:51

omg. I was thinking at first, "thats a strange looking Mr Potato Head." Very nice Kos!

Lakonian April 16th, 2008 14:57


Originally Posted by Syn (Post 696208)
omg. I was thinking at first, "thats a strange looking Mr Potato Head." Very nice Kos!

I think I'm going to make a "Mr.Potato head" REDUX. lol. Maybe with colour ;)

testtube April 16th, 2008 15:45

cut a lemon in half slit the centre, with you fingure insert in hole take picture lol.

Roughneck April 16th, 2008 15:53

Try something with "TWAT: No pussies allowed" or "We may be TWAT's but we still have balls"

something that just crossed my mind

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw April 18th, 2008 14:49

T.W.A.T. - You Are What You Eat

As for a graphic, I can't draw for shit so someone else with better artistic talent can make something outta that.

EC74 April 18th, 2008 19:00

Look, a patch with your team name on it already!

KOS - yours is pure awesomeness though, maybe add some boobs since your "T" and "A" are around that area too.

Lakonian April 18th, 2008 19:24

Making a few more. Stay tuned ;)

Dracheous April 18th, 2008 20:44

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