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surebet February 3rd, 2008 01:28

Is it can be donation tiem now plees?

Just wondering, since this site must have insane traffic, how financially stable is ASC?

Way back when, in 2005, there was a donation campaign. I'd like to think a lot of capital was secured, but is it enough to keep this site we all love running?

The total absence of sponsors on this site is kind of worrying me...

So what say ye?

Yes, I miss my silver member tag.

Drake February 3rd, 2008 05:40

Given the volume and diversity of the traffic here (I know from the logs of images I post served off my server, with a thread from ASC as the referrer) even something simple and unintrusive like Google AdSense could generate a fair bit of revenue; ASC has the kind of traffic a lot of people try to whip up (and can only dream of) to generate money from AdSense.

And never mind stuff like arbitrage strategies to try and generate more "new traffic", ASC already shows up with top rankings for almost anything airsoft related, and quite a few things that aren't.

surebet February 3rd, 2008 09:37

Personnally I'd prefer to drop a twenty in the donation pool than to have to deal with ads, but that's just me.

Maybe we could do like in the SA forums, where one can pay to change another user's avatar and title... Oh, exploitable!

Gee, 110 views and only one reply... though crowd! :)

diamond_SEA February 3rd, 2008 10:37

Sounds like an good idea, id be willing to EMT a few bucks to improve the site.

lykurgus February 3rd, 2008 12:13

i would also throw a twenty into something 'officially ASC', to help support a resource i use so frequently, and through which i recieve much knowledge and entertainment...

but i have no use for advertising,, at all period,, id like to see an end to it in general... not likely i know, but as far as ASC goes lets keep non-airsoft adds out.

The Saint February 3rd, 2008 12:18

I figure if money was an issue, someone would've asked already. I find the lack of updates far more worrying, as it's more complicated to accept donations of time.

Ghillie973 February 3rd, 2008 12:24

Hey yea, I just realized all the gold/silver bars are gone. I got one so I could look cool and all, then you take them down. I feel scammed. ;)

Maybe if funds are needed, and ads are the way, maybe contact Redwolf or WGC.

surebet February 3rd, 2008 12:30


Originally Posted by Ghillie973 (Post 633163)
Hey yea, I just realized all the gold/silver bars are gone. I got one so I could look cool and all, then you take them down. I fell scammed. ;)

Maybe in funds are needed, and ads are the way, maybe contact Redwolf or WGC.

*imagines the flood of newbies complaining about guns being seized*

Armyissue February 3rd, 2008 12:44

yup but this time I want better colors! I was Platinum last time.
This time we should have 'Puss' 'puke' & 'Da Shit!'
come on surebet banner time!

surebet February 3rd, 2008 12:59

I was tempted to do a Goatse colored banner per your request, but I have enough infractions as it is... :)

TokyoSeven February 3rd, 2008 13:27

Ive seen things that make goatse look like a sunny afternoon picnic.

Chrios February 3rd, 2008 14:14


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 633216)
Ive seen things that make goatse look like a sunny afternoon picnic.

The internets are an awesome yet terrible place.

surebet February 3rd, 2008 14:21

What has been seen cannot be unseen apparently...

BBS February 23rd, 2008 20:28

i thought it was pretty cool to see people with different membership levels and have their own little webspace, if they donated to ASC. I asked Hojo about the donation process a few years back and he said the donation system would be taken down promptly. I forgot exactly what he said but i think it was because ASC has enough money already?

ValkXB70 February 24th, 2008 09:38

Not sure how practical it would be but since ASC is a major buying/selling marketplace a percentage (1-2%) of all sales should be claimed by ASC.

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