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Azriel_Strife January 27th, 2008 16:12

P90 cutoff lever Needed

Hi there, I just bought a TM P90 from a friend of mine and I knew the semi didn't work. He said it just needs one little part and the semi auto mode will work again. Some sort of little selector plate or something. he mentioned that it was causing the trigger to lock and he couldn't figure it out so he removed it.

He said that RedWolf doesn't have the part anymore, so does anyone know what part this is and where I can get it? The gun works perfect on full auto, so I'm thinking it's a peice in the selector switch.

Any insight to this problem would be appreciated as semi is a must with my lowcaps.

Thanks in advance!

163154 January 27th, 2008 16:35

cut of lever it follows a cam on the piston gear ask javp he should know where you can get one

Azriel_Strife January 27th, 2008 16:38

My friend said it was a part of the trigger. and it runs to the outside of the box that sounds like it.

mrsmellybelly January 28th, 2008 00:30

Yea it's a tiny little metal piece, i removed mine so i only shoot full auto lol

Kos-Mos January 28th, 2008 18:38

There is no selector plate in a P90.

The way the trigger works decides if it is semi or full auto.

You need the slider that goes inside the front-most part of the trigger group. It is pulled by a spring and it is the cut-off lever that disengage it so only 1 cycle is made.

If you open the trigger, it is a plastic part that holds a little copper block. The block slides back and forth with the trigger and makes the contact between the two tabs at the rear of the trigger.

You have to source a way to get some stock TM parts, as this is the only replacement.

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