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greypants March 5th, 2007 20:20

WHERE CAN I BUY AN AIRSOFT GUN (ICS M4A1) WITHIN ONTARIO>??..... i am not intereseted in ordering over the internet..... if anyone knows a store or warehouse where i can go please post a comment. I AM SURE THAT ORDERING IS NOT MY ONLY OPTIONS SO PLEASE HELP ME.

Iggy March 5th, 2007 20:22

....this is a joke right....

greypants March 5th, 2007 20:24

why.. is it that fukin unbeleivable

vatek March 5th, 2007 20:38

How old are you, exactly?

Pip March 5th, 2007 20:40

If he can't read, or turn off his capslock, then i wonder....

Xepharo March 7th, 2007 09:08

This ain't the first time someone posted this shit.
I have seen someone else posting this same exact thing last week.

Get your ass verified first, and grow up. You write as if you were 12 yrs old.
If ordering is not your only option, don't bother buying it. Oh, that's your second option.

Iggy March 7th, 2007 10:13

Didnt his exact same post get canned because he refused to listen to greylocks' advice? If your uncle wants the gun then let HIM get an account, let HIM get varified and let HIM order it... if you havent already figured it out... the key word here is "HIM" not "I" nor "me" but "HIM" say it with me... HIIIIIM... Now that we have done that we shall stop making retarded posts about this.

JoelBrown/ArC March 7th, 2007 11:48

1. Be responsible
2. You can order from a lot of places, even when you find a local store (when you do some research) you will most likley find that your gun needs to be ordered in

attack-beaver March 7th, 2007 11:51

great another dad buys me stuff kid again.......

Mary March 7th, 2007 11:55

This kid is pathetic..we have told him countless times what to do. Clearly a joke, or just a really really dumb person.

Sp0r3 March 7th, 2007 12:03


Originally Posted by Mary (Post 434581)
This kid is pathetic..we have told him countless times what to do. Clearly a joke, or just a really really dumb person.

Maybe he's testing our patience... or hes just really really dumb.

gamz March 7th, 2007 12:15

The Saint March 7th, 2007 12:45

I highly doubt he has a jewel in his belly button. More likely some lint.

Hedonism Bot March 7th, 2007 13:58

Email this guy:

He has several ICS guns in stock(including M4s) and his prices are pretty reasonable. You'll have to get it shipped but you should have it in about a week.

Just EMT him the money and it's all yours.

Moderate March 7th, 2007 14:02

It has to be a joke, the similarity between Greylocks and Greypants is uncanny.

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