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Bakes February 19th, 2007 21:03

AEG Availability
Sorry, I have read the newb guide and other faq stickies. The one post on the future of airsoft(stuff about lawyers and such) was dated back to 2004 so I thought I would ask. So does this mean that theres been no change? Has it got worse? I just want to buy a gun. Im 28 yrs old for crying out loud. I should be able to buy a bb gun. lol.

kalnaren February 19th, 2007 21:06

Dude, read the FAQ and newbie guide, seriously, before you get your ass flammed off.

F!reStorm* February 19th, 2007 21:06


ThunderCactus February 19th, 2007 21:24

its a bad time to try and buy a new gun, just check the buy and sell section once your age verified

Greylocks February 20th, 2007 06:14

Even if you are 24, you must still get age-verified. Then all you have to do is read this site a bit more; I point you to a menu that is at the top of each page called Canadian Retailers, or to the folks who OWN this forum: ASC Armoury.

PS: They are NOT bb-guns. Totally different laws.

Bakes February 20th, 2007 09:25

Oh really
First off buddy(greylock), Im not 24. I know I need to be age verified. I have read a thing or two on here. Second if its not a bb gun, then why does its shoot 6mm plastic bb's. As for the laws, dont talk to me about the laws. The laws are all fucked up and dont make any sense. Ive been reading alot of posts on here and I can see that you really know how to put in your 2 cents. Thats great. I can see the canadian retailers at the top of the page. I have been to pretty much every canadian retailers site and they either say "cannot import guns right now" or they are temporarily out of stock or they just dont have the gun I want. And thirdly, Dont talk to me like I am a frickin idiot. I came to this board cuz its the major canadian one and I knew that I would get answers here. + I have a buddy that frequents all of the boards. oh and thanks for all the USEFUL input.

mcguyver February 20th, 2007 09:39

Just chill out a bit there Bakes. I know the "Grey" can be a little intimidating to new guys, and a pain in the ass for others.

But just because you want a toy gun that shoots plastic BBs doesn't mean that they are easy to get. It used to be that there were a dozen+ retailers that stocked literally hundreds of guns to chose from. No more and never will be again.

If you want to bitch, bitch at the CBSA, the CFC, the "Urban-Educated-Hippy-Soccer-Moms" in Eastern Canada, the CGC and anyone else who believes guns (real or toy) have no place in a civilized Canada. We fight them everyday, with every parts and accessory orders stopped at the border, with the inability to access guns.

What affects you affects all of us. Just because you are 28 makes ZERO difference. You need to be age verified to be able to purchase from ASCA. You can try A&A and see what they say, but don't expect a speedy response.

Brian McIlmoyle February 20th, 2007 09:49

Finding the gun you want..
Due to import restrictions, and recent court action on a major importer, along with the collapsing of a large distrubution network in Canada, the pickings for guns is slim.

in order to get the exact gun you want it could take months before one of the remaining importers can get it in..

It is frustrating.. but it is also the way it is...

Although these things do shoot bbs they are not governed by the laws that control "BB Guns" Due to the fact that many airsoft guns are 1:1 exact models of real guns the rules pertaining to replica firearms with respect to importation and distrubution apply.

if you have a particular gun in mind you have 2 courses..

Get Age verified

1. talk to one of the retailers and ask if they can get one... and wait and wait and wait

2. Once verified find out if a member here has a used one of the model you want.

Many of the regular posters here have seen new members come in.. and ask the same questions again and again...

so the cost for admission is... breaking through the exasperation of the veterans that clearly comes across in initial posts.

Welcome to ASC..

Wrong Way February 20th, 2007 09:54

Brian, the most clearly outlined, intelligent, and apathetic post to a newbie I have seen on the board. Excellent response, thank you.

Bakes February 20th, 2007 13:32

Thanks alot brian, thats all i was looking for. From what ive gathered is that the only real problem with these guns is that they look like real guns. There no other real issue. Paintball guns shoot projectiles the same way as an airsoft gun and nobodies making a big stink about them. All I was saying with the age thing is that I am grown man and I should be able to make my own decisions on what I should and shouldnt buy. Some soccer mom shouldnt be able to tell me that I can buy a bb gun(I know, its not a bb gun) because her son/daughter is too irresponsible to play with AS guns because they couldnt raise theyre child right :banghead: I guess coming into this sport, I just have a hard time comprehending the "problem" here. Sure they look like real guns but they dont or cannot be manufactured to act like real guns. Im not saying anything that you guys dont already know. Once again I appreciate the sensible answers you gave me guys. Peace out

Kusiami February 20th, 2007 13:44

I guess I picked a bad time to get back into the sport.

Lakonian February 20th, 2007 13:49


Originally Posted by Greylocks (Post 426537)

PS: They are NOT bb-guns. Totally different laws.

Grey, are you feeling okay? Uh... cause last time I checked... these ARE bb guns :p .. unless the government judges them based on "leet" factor... ;)

-=]MH[=-RaiDen February 20th, 2007 14:10


Originally Posted by kos (Post 426675)
Grey, are you feeling okay? Uh... cause last time I checked... these ARE bb guns :p .. unless the government judges them based on "leet" factor... ;)

Grreeeaaat look what you done now hes gonna type up a 3 page essay...

Lawdog February 20th, 2007 14:12


Originally Posted by Bakes (Post 426559)
First off buddy(greylock), Im not 24. I know I need to be age verified. I have read a thing or two on here. Second if its not a bb gun, then why does its shoot 6mm plastic bb's. As for the laws, dont talk to me about the laws. The laws are all fucked up and dont make any sense. Ive been reading alot of posts on here and I can see that you really know how to put in your 2 cents. Thats great. I can see the canadian retailers at the top of the page. I have been to pretty much every canadian retailers site and they either say "cannot import guns right now" or they are temporarily out of stock or they just dont have the gun I want. And thirdly, Dont talk to me like I am a frickin idiot. I came to this board cuz its the major canadian one and I knew that I would get answers here. + I have a buddy that frequents all of the boards. oh and thanks for all the USEFUL input.

Actually I thought GL's post was one of his mellower ones. Perhaps that pickle up your ass is uncomfortable.

He was trying to point out that the reason airsoft guns are hard to get is that they are not treated by the law as toys. But since you read everything you said you did, you already know that.

Truth is that every major retailer requires age verification and you havn't done like that. Your whine about soccer moms and the injustice of it being hard to get an AEG is not going to change anything.

Everything Brian posted would have been figured out by you if you had read everything you said you did. Brian just has a knack for instructing people too lazy to do the spadework themselves.

Oh, two more peices of USEFUL advice:

1) if you don't want to people to treat you like an idiot, don't ask grossly open-ended, non-specific, idiotic questions.

2) if you plan to frequent this site, get a thicker skin, GL didn't lay a glove on you and you whined like a baby.

and one bonus peice, saying "don't talk to me about the laws" in this forum, on this issue, makes you look like an idiot.


Lakonian February 20th, 2007 14:35


Originally Posted by -=]MH[=-RaiDen (Post 426702)
Grreeeaaat look what you done now hes gonna type up a 3 page essay...

Nooooooooooooooooooooo! lol

"well under section 9 part 2 bb's are clearly stated to be under a less leet form of ..."

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