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Corey Darling December 26th, 2006 18:16

Canada Post and Shipping Replica Munitions

A friend of mine here on the Island (Malachite) was browsing the Canada Post site and found this:

I just ordered, a p90 mag-low cap with the fake rounds in it. does that count? i hope it gets through?

Not sure if this has been discussed or not yet.


Lakonian December 26th, 2006 18:17

mag has probably been confiscated

EDIT: Oh, wait nvm... maybe not. A friend of mine got some g36 mags, with fake rounds... so I don't know

Corey Darling December 26th, 2006 18:18

are you serious? lol do you work at ASCA?

Edit, lmao dont do that to me

Lakonian December 26th, 2006 18:19

no :P LOL, I guess I worded that wrong. haha sorry

malachite December 26th, 2006 18:28

well when i read it the thing that poped out at me was how it namely stated that it was grenades and artilery shells that caused the evacuations so im thinking that they r really going to worry more about the lager things that can do more damage and are a bit more unstable(comparing to real life)

Greylocks December 26th, 2006 20:32

Live ammunition has restrictions, fakes dont unless you are trying to import the stuff into Canada. Then like anything else it depends on how the Customs officer feels that day.

-Number7- December 26th, 2006 21:08

I hope that doesn't mean G36C clips will be stopped. Or at least eventually.

Greylocks December 26th, 2006 21:40

If you took the chance of importing them yourself instead of using a Canadian Retailer, then you took the gamble like everyone else.

There is a reason why the Information section is there, it tells you about importation, and the risks involved. What you do with that information, if you read it, is your choice entirely.

Imports are a gamble, all the time. Sometimes it is not a problem at all, other times weirder things have been seized.

Ordering from a trusted Retailer is always the best option.

Corey Darling December 27th, 2006 01:11

hey Greylocks,
im not talking about importing, im talking about shipping within canada. i ordered from asca which uses canada post

that news release states that it is now illegal to ship replica munitions, even in canada. as of oct 26th. has anyone had trouble with shipping mags with fake ammo visible since then?

SolidifiedPenguin December 27th, 2006 03:05

I think mags w/ fake rounds are ok for shipping WITHIN canada. Just not INTO canada from somewhere else. Again like grelocks said though, if opened, it ll depend on the officer.

made Man December 27th, 2006 03:10

So much for NOT opening packages, eh.

malachite December 27th, 2006 03:46

like corey just said hes not asking about international stuff he is asking about this regulation on fake munitions being posted in canada and how ppl in canada post will react to them in acordance with the article

Greylocks December 27th, 2006 06:10

It was not clear if the shipping was inside Canada. Should be no problem because it's not really a replica munition. It's a fancy looking magazine and you cant take the shells out.

But, that can depend on Canada Post employees' views of things.

monkeyboy December 27th, 2006 17:13

from the article:
Ottawa - Canada Post today announced amendments to the Non-Mailable Matter Regulations prohibiting the mailing of inert of replica munitions into Canada, out of Canada, or within Canada. The new regulations became law effective October 4, 2006.

so out of, into and within. Not sure if it applies to g36 mags or not, as the definition below clearly states inert munitions. Being inert means it was munitions once right? those fake bullets in a g36 mag are clearly not inert, nor will ever be munitions.

For a better definition of the amendment:

panzer76 December 30th, 2006 12:11

It is very unlikely that your package will be inspected when you ship within Canada because it will not go through customs. If the package is obviously suspicious or if it is damaged and the content can be seen, then post officials they might look into it.

What I suggest for your C36 mags is to dissassemble them before shipping them therefore making it obvious that they are cheap plastic mock bullets and not real steel inert rounds.

If all mail within Canada was monitored, we would not have the luxury of calling this place a democracy

I hope this helps

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