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MadMax November 19th, 2006 14:30

Interesting CQB game observations: Where I get shot
I was counting up welts from a CQB game and realized something interesting. I had a strong prevalence of hits to my front right quarter.

"Luckily" I play wearing light clothing (t-shirt) so I can feel my hits and keep cool. Hits also have the side benifit of leaving distinct marks which are easy to account.

Out of 9 welts from one evening of CQB at TTAC3, I noted the following distribution:

-3x right arm
-5x front right torso
-1x rear left torso

Apparently I don't turn to the right as well as I cover left which isn't very surprising as I am strongly right handed. I wonder if I may be using a "bladed" stance presenting the strong arm forward.

The small amount of hits to the rear half hopefully means I don't get backdoored much and am bringing the fight to the field rather than waiting for it to flank me.

I'm not exactly sure that this is unoptimal. Having an equal distribution of hits might mean I'm equally weak in all directions and am collecting a higher total number of hits in the end. I often find myself stuffing myself into wierd suicide defence situations hoping to disrupt a coordinated stack when the team balence is intentionally imbalenced.

Anyone else find that they get a lot more welts on certain angles?

shadow1911 November 19th, 2006 15:00

**stare stare** never thought any one ever studdyed where they got hit

DragonHawk November 19th, 2006 15:26

It may be a bit different outdoors, but I find I do get hit on the right side a fair bit. Usually, that's the side that's sticking out (I shoot right-handed), so it takes a fair amount of fire. I think the distribution is pretty even from other quarters though.

JOHNUSA November 19th, 2006 15:31

try switching eyes as you clear left and right corners. that's if you are using a gun without a but.

when using a butt enter the room with your gun at a 75degree rather than 90 and keep an eye on your front site. nothing else matters in cqb less they have a hostie.

clearing your corners is done by stepping back from the corner and clearing all slices of pie before rounding. This creates a more shallow angle and allows less of your body and more of your vision.


CDN_Stalker November 19th, 2006 16:47

Deftonius gets shot in the knob more than anyone I know, is that an indication of his assault technique? Lol

FOX_111 November 19th, 2006 16:54

I'm getting more hits in my hands and foreharsms.
That's what I'm exposing most of the time when doing "attack peeks" in CQB.

Luckelly for me, I rarely get shot in the face.

Ibby November 19th, 2006 18:58

I get shot on the right hand side all the time. I have no eye there ;)

As for CQB, room clearing should be easy. Frag grenades are cheap.

Brian McIlmoyle November 19th, 2006 19:19

Not surpised
Carl, you seemed to go in the far door mostly,,, which was a entry to the left, so it stands to reason that the right side would be exposed first..

When you were working on the inside.. you had a choice of position and so, your right handedness will tend to put you in places where your right side would be exposed to fire.

Me... I seemed to get it in the flank more often than anywhere... going in #3 thinking that the corners were cleared by my 1 and 2... many painfull lessons had by all. I particularly liked the one where both you and Steve lit me up on the left flank..... and just kept shooting till I stopped writhing and called HIT..That was classic!

It was a particularly intense night... everyone was keen to work the scenario... When I offered to break it down to a skirmish... everyone wanted to keep working the scenario.

I think we had 22 people in the room... a good night..

666 November 19th, 2006 19:39

I was noticing a pattern when in comes to hits at TTAC3. I almost never get hit in upper body, rarely arms or head/face area. Most of the time it's legs for some reason.

Vivisector November 19th, 2006 19:42

Though this is in more of a woodland setting: left hand, knees and face. I too study where I've been hit, in hopes of not making the same mistakes (though I still do...)

Hand because I use a long gun and the first body part of mine in view when I turn a corner is my left hand on the foregrip. Knees because I crouch when I should be going prone. Face because I have a bad habit of putting my entire head around a corner to view the situation.

MadMax November 19th, 2006 19:43


Originally Posted by 666 (Post 383754)
I was noticing a pattern when in comes to hits at TTAC3. I almost never get hit in upper body, rarely arms or head/face area. Most of the time it's legs for some reason.

Maybe you leave them sticking out of cover often. I think most of my hits are delivered when I rush a position. Hard to cover the slices when there's fire coming in straight on.

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