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Greenwolf July 7th, 2006 10:46

Scariest airsoft moment...
Well whats the scariest moment in airsoft you've ever encountered?

Personally the worst I've had is during a hunter-killer senerio at night, where the hunter only gets a few rounds and the killer dresses in all black and gets a fake knife. I was the hunter and my bud who was playing killer managed to grab me from above Splinter-Cell style and hold the plastic knife to my throat. Scared the bejesus out of me when it happened.

In retrospect, it was funny as hell.

bobthemonky July 7th, 2006 11:03

on my first night we were playing touch the wall. i was garding the wall and all of my team got hit, it was me vs a vet. i could hear him but not see him (Dam you fog!) i got lit up in the face...

Greylocks July 7th, 2006 15:00

A Veteran shot you straight in the face? That's not a vet, that's a first class idiot.

gandar July 7th, 2006 17:54

Not if it was an accident, or that was the only exposed target. He did say night.

Bender July 7th, 2006 19:17


Originally Posted by Greylocks
A Veteran shot you straight in the face? That's not a vet, that's a first class idiot.

Yeah. If the only exposed area is the face, then you get shot in the face.

Penguin July 7th, 2006 19:21


Originally Posted by Greylocks
A Veteran shot you straight in the face? That's not a vet, that's a first class idiot.

Shit happens, end of story. A vet could easily accidentally hit someone in the face.. if they moved, or it bounced or it was just a bad shot. People make mistakes.

fantastix July 7th, 2006 19:24

When myfrog threatens to remove his pants and play naked.

Russianboy July 7th, 2006 19:57

When I was in CQB and my buddey got on my flack and I did not see it. then he's like "hey" and he lit me up.

yanhchan July 7th, 2006 20:02

Under estimated the distance of a jump over a trench and half fell in.....

Moonrabbit July 7th, 2006 20:32

Night hawk 2 redoux. 6:00 AM. Everybody's hunkered down at the back of the village waiting for the terrorists to come out of the woods.
I get the idea to secure the second tower.
After a while they all come pouring out. I nailed a couple before they could tell their team where I was.
I hear them behind me. I peek out the rifle slot and there's about five of them behind the building next to me.
I nail one in the back then aim for another.
It's Justbob and I would have nailed him in the face so I hesitated. He saw me and started shooting.
I get down and the pellets start pouring in every window and slot on the corner of the building, and I was right under them.
I heard them arguing about who was going to go around to the door and try to get me.
If that happened, one or both of us would have been in alot of pain. I had my A1 and there was about six feet between me and the door.

Eventualy I got hit by what I realized right after was a riccochet. But had yelled 'hit' already, so I took it. If I had waited a bit longer I might have mowed half of them down before they set the nuke. I had a good line of sight.

I told Bob I would have shot him if I could have hit him anywhere else. He said next time to go for it. If the only shot available is a face shot then take it.
I don't remember if that was before or after he got shot in the back of the throat repeatedly at that other Rigaud game.

quick90 July 7th, 2006 21:26


Originally Posted by Greylocks
A Veteran shot you straight in the face? That's not a vet, that's a first class idiot.

Greylocks we play indoors in an airsoft arena that is almost pitch black.

Yesterday I walked into someone on the opposite team while going around a corner; I almost jumped out of my skin lol.

Manaconda July 7th, 2006 21:32

Scariest moment in airsoft was when I talied up what I had spent already. Then thought of the new stuff I wanted.

chwebby July 8th, 2006 01:43

I had my buddy pinned behind this box thing, but he didn't look up for a while so I thought he was reloading, so I rushed him, but turns out he was just standing there waiting for me to come. Well I ran around the corner of the box to see the barrel of an mp5 pointed right at me, I almost $h!t my pants. Had some painfull welts after that.

Yuu July 8th, 2006 04:22

Surround by the op-for team and I was hiding under small plastic hanger like area lol

They were asking me to surrender, I sorta refuse lol Oh, was that a bad result...

Myrrlyn July 8th, 2006 15:30

Scariest moment for me...
I really had to take a piss during a game and covertly pissed on a bush all the while thinking my main armement was going to get damaged.

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