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Greenwolf July 6th, 2006 13:47

Airsoft Dirty Tricks and Funny Tactics.
Just for humors' sake, post any dirty tricks and or tactics that could be used on the airsoft field. Be creative ;)

For example: Distract your enemy by launching a surprisingly pooly coordinated, one-man charge. Preferably the distraction should be a midget screaming "LEROY JENKINS!" at the top of his lungs. Meanwhile, have your main force (I.E. everyone else who isn't the sucker who drew the short straw) sneak up on thier flank while thier laughing thier heads off.

Another dirty trick: Name your team the "Tactical Insertion Team" and have the acronym spelt out on your vest/jacket. In close quarters battle break down the door like SWAT screaming "T.I.T, Freeze!". By the time they've figured out why there are a dozen men screaming something about frozen nipples and stopped laughing about it you'll have had enough time to tag them all!

any other funny tricks?

(P.S. This is the result of what happens when you stay up all night drinking with your airsofting buddies and have a strange sense of humor. Sorry if this seems retarded. I personally blame Zim.)

-Mike & John

Mantelope July 6th, 2006 13:49

In the safe zone, I like to fart into my hand and then throw it in other people's faces. Does that count?

Spas-Tick22 July 6th, 2006 13:52

yelling out "wait i've jammed!" then spraying at the person who actually stops to wait for me.

Greenwolf July 6th, 2006 13:53

lol, same works with "my battery died!"

Greenwolf July 6th, 2006 13:56


Originally Posted by harleyb
In the safe zone, I like to fart into my hand and then throw it in other people's faces. Does that count?

Biological weaposn are a general "no" in airsofting i belive. ;)

Mantelope July 6th, 2006 14:06

So are attacks in the safe zone =D

Blackthorne July 6th, 2006 14:06

After a one man recce into the DMZ, put your shemague over your head and breath heavy like you are trying to catch your breath, then casually chat with the enemy.

Worked for Clay at Stargate!

MadMax July 6th, 2006 14:09

Be the sniper at a sniper hunt. Sneak back to your car and go play craps at Rama?

Dracheous July 6th, 2006 14:14

I've tried dirty trick number one, guess what?! THEY DIDN'T SEE ME! >.<....

Popped up and went "SHIT!" cause there were three guys looking the other way and not towards me. Meaning I just got soaked and wet and all tired for no rea... SHIT they're shooting now! :P...

Black_Orchid July 6th, 2006 14:19

Send a running, flailing, hollaring, skipping in circles, player in a ghillie out in the open for a momentary distraction. And if it doesn't work on the regulars, at least you'll get the giggling noobs.

CDN_Stalker July 6th, 2006 14:22

Dress a teammate up as a sasquatch that wanders around in the woods once in a while. Only VERY occasionally, maybe only once actually.

Can't wait for Droc to get in here, that shit'll be FUNNY!

Greenwolf July 6th, 2006 14:25


Originally Posted by Black_Orchid
Send a running, flailing, hollaring, skipping in circles, player in a ghillie out in the open for a momentary distraction. And if it doesn't work on the regulars, at least you'll get the giggling noobs.

But the newbs are the most fun to trick :sad: seeing the look of shock when the see what looks like a green wookie dancing is so worth it.

Another one: Tape the bipod of a ridculusly big gun like the M82A1 to the helmet of a shorter player and use him as a mobile weapon prop. Not practical but makes for one hell of a airsoft video.

Damn Wookies...

Kimbo July 6th, 2006 14:29

If you are in a fire fight and want to get the bad guys to rush you...

1. Take a hi cap and use your finger nail to release the bbs from the mag nozzel. This will make the very characteristic empty hi cap mag sound.
2. Curse loud enough the for soon to be welted opponents to hear you.
3. The baddies will rush you thinking you're out of ammo.
4. Shoot them in their soft skinned areas, such as inner thigh and belly fat.
5. Ridicule as required.

Greenwolf July 6th, 2006 14:34

The ultimate distraction: Firecracker + megaphone

Cervantes July 6th, 2006 15:20


Originally Posted by Talraga
The ultimate distraction: Firecracker + underpants


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