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Ghillie973 May 3rd, 2006 23:47

Madbull Powder Shot Landmine
This might be something you milsim guys will like.


Originally Posted by Redwolf Airsoft

Madbull Powder Shot Landmine

The first mass produced Airsoft landmine is finally for scenario gaming or just for pranks! Add variety to your war game experience with this gas powered land mine that detonates when your enemy steps on it. Shower them with baby powder or other debris or use as a distraction device. Emits a loud pop when detonated!

This landmine will deliver best performance with CO2 gas, which gives off a VERY loud "POP" sound when stepped on. Green gas or red gas can be used as well. HFC134a gas will work but will be quite weak. Gas charging is as easy as filling those Madbull shells that we have all come to love (see in Fig.2). Baby powder loading is also very simple - just remove the upper cover and put the powder on the dish (Fig.3). When you are ready and the mine is in position, unscrew the safety ring, put the upper cover back and hide it with leaves or straws! You can also put 8mm BBs or paintballs over the holes so that they fly upward when the mine is detonated. Madbull has deliberately chosen not to make this landmine use 6mm BBs for safety reasons since the BB's would fly upwards and possibly through the games in players' safety glasses.

Easy to reset and reuse. Individually serial-numbered for easy identification in case someone tries to steal your landmine and make it theirs!

Russianboy May 3rd, 2006 23:49

They have been makeing a paintball one just like that for year's. I will still pick one up.

fantastix May 3rd, 2006 23:49

*drool* Time to replace the walkway up to the house.

yanhchan May 4th, 2006 07:18

Anyone else want to put this on the rear bumper of their car or am i just twisted and sick of tailgaters?

Eddie May 4th, 2006 14:18


Originally Posted by yanhchan
Anyone else want to put this on the rear bumper of their car or am i just twisted and sick of tailgaters?

If you did that, that would mean they would actually have to hit you. Why not pop out of the sun roof and fire off a m203.

The problem I see with the Powdershot is that if its covered by anything other then grass and twigs it will get into the insides, unlike the M80 mine which is baried and has a tube sticking out.

ert May 4th, 2006 15:04

Just goto the driving range and keep a bucket of range balls in your car... then when a tailgater appears, open your sunroof and throw the balls straight up one at a time until he decides dents in his car aren't worth it.

zero delay May 4th, 2006 15:23

Xtreme Tactics in Winnipeg has the distribution for Canada for Madbull and will be bringing these in shortly as well as alot of other awesome Madbull acessories.

here is the link to Madbull's site

Greylocks May 4th, 2006 16:21

Let me say that I finally like a mine design; it's simple and extremely safe.

What I find quite funny about it? If you use baby powder... you can track the victims by smell afterwards :)

yanhchan May 4th, 2006 16:40


Originally Posted by Greylocks
Let me say that I finally like a mine design; it's simple and extremely safe.

What I find quite funny about it? If you use baby powder... you can track the victims by smell afterwards :)

Akward explainations about the smell after the game though hahahahaha

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