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ATREYU April 18th, 2006 02:56

The 10 (and then some) Commandments of Airsoft
1 - Thou shall have forgotten to charge batteries on the day of a game
2 - Look ferocious in front of paintballers
3 - Stay out of the photographers way when acting like a knob
4 - Only ask a question on ASC when wearing a nomex flame retardant suit
5 - Own a pair of ballistic glasses to sit and look good beside your paintball approved goggles (even if you never use em)
6 - Always ask for bb's at either the last minute, or when you have no need for them whatsoever
7 - Hit the ground when you are fired at ... those bb's can kill!
8 - Thou shall always be "confirmed" in everything you do... unless your ride craps out
9 - Armyissue shall sell pants
10 - Thou shall not piss off greylocks

Any I've forgotten?

FOX_111 April 18th, 2006 02:59

Tru is the only God?

WingZER0 April 18th, 2006 11:30

Nah, Tru's just the Pimp.

11) Thou shall probably spend more on thier airsoft gear then thier car.

FOX_111 April 18th, 2006 11:34

You shall ditch the girlfriend on sunny weekend airsoft games and sleep on the couch that night.

Wolfgang April 18th, 2006 11:48

Very important: Thou shall call your hits

Canadian Psycho April 18th, 2006 12:03

thou shall not not call hits

Digital_Assasin April 18th, 2006 12:26

If thou does not call thy hits, thou shall be showerd by a high cap or two and then be banished by the field lord.

ATREYU April 18th, 2006 12:52

15 - Thou shall monitor thyne post count in hopes that it will bring thou some type of glory in thyne own eyes (which it won't)!

Armyissue April 18th, 2006 13:02

I Tru is the one TRU god thou shalt not worship any other AEG gods before him
II Thou shalt not Chairsoft
III Thou shalt honour the GAME day
IV Thou shalt call your hits
V Thou shalt not Team Kill
VI Thou shalt honour the mercy rule
VII Thou shalt not steal
VIII Thou shalt be Verified
IX Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours AEG
X Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours gear

major kartel April 18th, 2006 14:16

I feel LIKE aT church LOL !! The church of airsoft :D


Canadian Psycho April 18th, 2006 18:01

Thou shall not flake during sales/sells/trades

Snake Eyes April 18th, 2006 19:05

wut about Thou shal get shitface with ur friends after each game n tell ur girl u didnt answer ur phone cuz u were sleeping,

Greylocks April 18th, 2006 19:15

Gee, I'm a commandment?

firemachine69 April 18th, 2006 19:32

Seems so. :lol:

Greylocks April 18th, 2006 19:45

Wish it was so simple, I'd command a few folks to forget airsoft exists, or newbies to read before typing.

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