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hinoobies September 3rd, 2018 19:10

Eotech Review - Real Steel vs Clone - Comprehensive
17 Attachment(s)

This is a review/comparison of a genuine Eotech EXPS2 to a clone Eotech 552. This comparison is made to see the differences between a real steel optic versus a clone that can be bought for relatively cheap. The biggest factor when buying clone optics is price. The Eotech EXPS2 has a MSRP of $599 USD while the clone 552 was bought from TorontoAirsoft for $79. I will skip over the differences in features between models (QD/button placement/batteries) and focus primarily on the quality and functional differences.

(Also, I do not know how to attach the images into the text box so I inserted the image number to provide photo reference)


The clone eotech comes in a paper box that has a cheap carbon fiber print on the sides and a sticker that states the model and style. When you first open the box you will see the instruction manual and underneath sits the 552 in a white foam which holds it in place. Included with the 552 were a hood and a quick latch thing that I have never used. Generally speaking, the packaging is cheap and will not impress anybody on first inspection. (Images 1, 4, 5)

The Genuine Eotech comes in a sturdy plastic box which looks rugged, tucked within a paper sleeve with a bold EOTECH logo. It looks high quality and gives a strong first impression. Slipping the sleeve off, you see a hard plastic case that reminds me of a thin/cheaper version of a pelican case. When you first open it, you see the warranty/instruction cards followed by the eotech sitting within a dark dense foam. The packaging is much better for the genuine eotech. It gives off a great first impression and screams quality and ruggedness.
(Images 2,3,6,7,8)


At first glance, the Eotechs appear visually similar. They don't look too different and without further inspection, most would not be able to tell the difference between the two. I will create sub-sections to point out the major differences I have spotted in the time I owned both optics.

The Real Eotech feels much more smooth and has almost a matte finish compared to the clone Eotech's glossy finish. The trademarks are much clearer and better defined. The buttons give a tactile click compared to the mushy buttons of the clone Eotech. Honestly though, if you're just going for looks, the clone Eotech does extremely well in this department.
(images 9,10,11)

Shock Tolerance:
I bought the real steel EXPS2 because the clone was unable to hold zero after taking the repeated shocks from being mounted on a GBBR. If the real Eotech can withstand being mounted on 12 guage shotguns firing magnum rounds, I'm sure some gas powered blow back action won't be an issue for it.

The real Eotech's reticle is almost pixel like, with it being very fuzzy if you focus onto the reticle. To combat this, you must focus on the target and the reticle will become crisp. (should be doing this anyways) The clone however, has a very crisp reticle even when you focus directly onto it. This is probably the best way to spot a clone/fake Eotech since the pixel-like appearance is holographic system at work. The real Eotech also has 20 brightness settings vs the 10 on the clone. This allows it to go much brighter than the clone. I found it difficult to use the clone during bright outdoor games, but there is no issue at all with the real Eotech.
(pictures 12,13)

The real Eotech uses very clear glass and there is little tinting looking through the objective window. The clone however, has a mirrored finish on the front. This causes a tinting effect looking through the optic which really...really...really... sucks when you're playing indoors or in dark environments. (Like wearing sunglasses at the club :cool: ) This mirrored finish is how the clone Eotech projects the reticle, since it is essentially a simple red dot with a cool picture. Because of this, you will see a red light on the front of the optic.
(pictures 14, 17)

So one big advantage of the real Eotech is that there is really little parallax. This means that when you keep the optic stationary and you move your head around to look at the optic from different angles, the reticle will remain pointed at the same spot. Both optics do still have parallax, however, the real Eotech has considerably less parallax versus the clone.


Overall, the genuine Eotech is better than the clone in every way other than pricing. I would recommend the genuine Eotech to those that are very competitive, are lazy, or just want to be hella gucci. However, if you run an AEG or just don't mind re-zeroing your GBBR occasionally, I would definitely recommend the clone and to spend the money elsewhere.

IMO Airsoft is 50% cosplay, so looking cool is #1 priority. Both real steel and clone optics look very cool in my opinion. I love the circle-dot reticle and it's just super cool to have both these optics. You can't go wrong with either
(images 15,16)

Thank you for reading ! :D:D

pestobanana September 5th, 2018 19:00

TLDR: Real EOTech is better but more expensive. Big surprise.

dpvu September 7th, 2018 17:31

If you can find one the Bushnell Holosight is the same as an older 511 without the shroud (and you can install an Eotech shroud on it). They're hard to find but excellent value.

pewpew69 September 10th, 2018 00:31

If you were to buy a real one and use it to play, would you be worried that the glass might get hit by a bb and crack?

Same thing if you also had a magnifier?

Do you guys know if there are products that would protect your glass?

Danke September 10th, 2018 00:56

Put a lexan shield or a killflash over the front lens and you're good.

The real deal is so much better than the airsoft versions it's not funny.

I know the real ones do have some issues but on an AEG or GBBR you won't see problems.

If you have a beer budget there a tonne of other red dot clones that would work vs. an EOTech. And if it's a champagne budget wiell then roll with it!

pewpew69 September 10th, 2018 01:16

Thanks man

Danke September 10th, 2018 01:26

This was from Bruce on there back in 08. I don't think he makes them anymore.

hinoobies September 10th, 2018 10:52

Danke has the right idea. You can make the one that Bruce made using a big polycarbonate sheet that you can buy from homedepot for ~$10. Make sure you get a thicker one so it can withstand BB hits and do some testing before you use it. All you need is a dremel and some sandpaper to make them.

If you don't want to go through the hastle, Gunsmodify sells Eotech protectors for around $15-20 range. Don't go for the cheap no-names for $5 as I've seen some people's protectors literally crack in half after 1 BB impact.

pewpew69 September 10th, 2018 13:39

Any ideas for the magnifier? I guess I could look up a killflash on it.

LightBulb September 10th, 2018 17:23


Originally Posted by hinoobies (Post 2035399)
Don't go for the cheap no-names for $5 as I've seen some people's protectors literally crack in half after 1 BB impact.

This is true.

porch20000 September 17th, 2018 18:58

FPS Shooting view - see thru the EOTECH

pewpew69 October 2nd, 2018 18:11

Anyone know who makes the best Eotech EXPS3 or 2 replica?

hinoobies October 2nd, 2018 20:50

A brand called Hurricane makes a really good replica

pewpew69 October 2nd, 2018 22:31

Thanks man

Amoki October 10th, 2018 20:57

As someone who has the EXPS 3.0 (close to about 7 years old now), I will dissent a bit about the EOTECH and why you should not buy it:
1) busy reticule making it hard to see where your bb is heading with wind
2) still comparatively poor bright daylight performance: at the strongest setting, you may have to "look" for the 1 moa dot in mid-day sun even if it does not wash completely like the clone eotechs and the old gen bushnells. Holosun rds don't have that issue.

The only redeeming feature is the holographic and parallax-free (-ish) reticule helping with fast acquisition + night vision mode being great for night time games when you have to shoot passive.

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