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Gamble Rumble December 25th, 2005 19:31

What's the difference between Chairsoft and Airsoft?
I never really got the concept of this chairsoft thing, can someone fill me in on what chairsoft is?

Armedpacifist December 25th, 2005 19:33

airsofters go to games.

Bob the Angry Potato December 25th, 2005 19:38

Look it up in Wikipedia, someone was kind enough to put an article there.

Gamble Rumble December 25th, 2005 19:39

oh, so chairsofters are just enthusiasts who just shoot random stuff flying around in their backyards?

Bob the Angry Potato December 25th, 2005 19:40

Or come to this site, post like they know everything even though they've never touched a gun (Example being Gamer123, banned yesterday).

Homewrecker December 25th, 2005 19:41

No, chairsofters are people that like to "talk the talk" but can't or don't "walk the walk".

Kinda like not putting your money where your mouth is.

Bob the Angry Potato December 25th, 2005 19:42

Basically, 'armchair quarterbacks'.

SHaKaL December 25th, 2005 19:58

Chairsofters are basicaly peoples who think they know everything about airsofts, but never played a game in their life.

yanhchan December 25th, 2005 20:06

ROFL...many chairsofters are people who bitch and moan...and spend more time talking about their airsoft and don't even bother pulling the guns out to go to games. I'm itching to go to a game but I'm 17 so currently I'm chairsofting for a while...well I have small skrimishes so that counts...

bruce December 25th, 2005 20:40


Originally Posted by SHaKaL

See the blackwater lawsuit thread... its from a chairsofter...

You're dead wrong if you're calling pantless a chairsofter. This guy has been playing airsoft longer than me and I'm quite sure I've been playing airsoft longer than you!

nutboi December 25th, 2005 20:43



bruce December 25th, 2005 20:45

haha...words can never describe a picture but a picture can describe a word.

Neverhood December 25th, 2005 20:51

Haha, nice pics, I'm more like the first one right now because it's the off season. But I'm getting involved more and more in different ways and fully intend to come out to games in the summer. It's sad to see the people who just jump on the airsoft bandwagon because they think it's cool or that they can pretend to be a "soldier".

ert December 25th, 2005 20:53


Bob the Angry Potato December 25th, 2005 21:04

Ah... sorry, then. Today's just boring, I'm stuck in a house with 2 tweenage girls and a 4 year old, who are currently running around in circles with a pair of glowing lights. There's honestly nothing to do today, and I'm not out there...

Edited out 2 posts because you're polite and present a good argument, and to save bandwidth.

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