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Erebus115 January 2nd, 2018 12:05

Good themes/kits for an AK74?
Hi all
About 8 months ago I requested a G36 to be shipped into my local store. After waiting so long i just said screw it, went out and bought an AK74. The thing is, I want to make sure my kit is somewhat accurate and the only BDUs I've got are ATACS FG, Multicam Tropic and Flecktarn. I'm not too knowledgable on East Bloc camos. I kinda wanted to go with something a little obscure, I know a lot of countries used Aks or AK derivatives so I was thinking maybe something Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Romanian, etc. Just something a little more unique than your standard Russian or OPFOR loadout you'd usually find wielding an AK. I wouldn't mind going for an asian kit (Cambodia, Vietnam, China, etc). Problem is, I know nothing about the kind of BDUs that these guys run. Anybody have any recommendations for this kind of loadout (that would also be available in Canada)?

Coresair January 28th, 2018 18:18

that's very broad, large. You want help on accuracy for you kit, yet you don't really know what you want, which makes the first request difficult :). Try looking at for starters and zoom in on a camo that you like.

AS92-RD February 4th, 2018 10:55


Originally Posted by Erebus115 (Post 2015664)
Hi all
About 8 months ago I requested a G36 to be shipped into my local store. After waiting so long i just said screw it, went out and bought an AK74. The thing is, I want to make sure my kit is somewhat accurate and the only BDUs I've got are ATACS FG, Multicam Tropic and Flecktarn. I'm not too knowledgable on East Bloc camos. I kinda wanted to go with something a little obscure, I know a lot of countries used Aks or AK derivatives so I was thinking maybe something Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Romanian, etc. Just something a little more unique than your standard Russian or OPFOR loadout you'd usually find wielding an AK. I wouldn't mind going for an asian kit (Cambodia, Vietnam, China, etc). Problem is, I know nothing about the kind of BDUs that these guys run. Anybody have any recommendations for this kind of loadout (that would also be available in Canada)?

There are Russian spetsnaz and reconnaissance units that run Atacs. They're known as ataka in Russian.

Kozure February 6th, 2018 15:50

Hi Erebus - I think the questions you have to ask yourself are:

Should I buy a gun to match my uniform?


Should you buy a uniform to match your gun?

If an accurate "impression" is important to you then definitely you should try to be as accurate as you want to be. Keep in mind that I'd say at least 80-90% of Airsofters in typical skirmish game aren't trying to run accurate impressions, and no one is going to 'call' you on anything you wear unless it's patently ridiculous.

Now, if you're doing milsims, then yes, accuracy becomes more important, but even then many milsim and milscrim players just go for a PMC-type look.

As AS92 mentions, there are a few Russian outfits that run ATACS-FG. Some of them might be seen with AK-74s, but they're more likely to have the more modern AK-105s - do you have an AK-74M (with polymer furniture) or the older AK-74 (with wooden furniture)?

There are no national forces which run Multicam Tropic, AFAIK.

The two major current users of Flecktarn, Denmark (which is different than German flecktarn, and is switching to Multicam anyway) and Germany, do not use AK-74s. China uses a variant/copy of Flecktarn for some of its border troops and a summer training uniform, but the AK-74 superficially resembles the Type 56 and Type 81 rifles, and the current service weapon is the QBZ-95. So... unless you want to run a sort of weird and rare variant of Chinese border security impression, that doesn't work either.

Ukraine and Poland uses their own version of Multicam along with weapons that are or sort of look like AK-74s (Tantal and Beryls for the Poles) but their versions of Multicam don't really resemble Multicam Tropic.

What you might want to try for is the somewhat ad hoc looks that Ukrainian fighters adopted during the fighting in the Crimean Peninsula area.

As outlined in this description: - there were a lot of really wacky combinations going on over there.

If you're planning on keeping that AK-74, if you want an accurate impression of a member of an official, non-militia/paramilitary national armed forces, there's nothing that really matches the uniforms you have on hand. As noted above, you could use the Flecktarn to be a Ukranian militia/paramilitary fighter, or the ATACS-FG and start building a Russian special forces kit.

Here are some examples:

(note that they're using M4-family carbines!)


DC_ACU February 6th, 2018 16:40

Metal gear solid 2 Russian Spetznaz on the ship.

BobbyDangerous February 7th, 2018 07:59

Those graphics.

BobbyDangerous February 7th, 2018 08:02

My opinion. Wear what you want. A rifle is a rifle. I wouldn’t change my camo just to compensate for a gun. Sounds kinda silly no? I would work my kit around it rather than my fatigues. As far as kit goes, I run an AK and an m14 so I have a 5.11 chest rig that has 2 double M14 pouches, 2 Pistol mag pouches and my Glock. But I can use the M14 pouches for other means and use the build in pouches for my AK so I can switch it up. I’ll post some pics up.

Kozure February 7th, 2018 11:35


Originally Posted by BobbyDangerous (Post 2017375)
My opinion. Wear what you want. A rifle is a rifle. I wouldn’t change my camo just to compensate for a gun. Sounds kinda silly no? I would work my kit around it rather than my fatigues. As far as kit goes, I run an AK and an m14 so I have a 5.11 chest rig that has 2 double M14 pouches, 2 Pistol mag pouches and my Glock. But I can use the M14 pouches for other means and use the build in pouches for my AK so I can switch it up. I’ll post some pics up.

Yes - what BobbyD said - do as you like. There are people out there running around in sweatpants and hoodies and there are people who have a 95% accurate impression with almost all real-steel kit. I guess what I was saying with my two earlier questions that you should ask yourself is which answer is more reasonable to you.

Kozzie February 7th, 2018 13:08

I've always liked Pantera, Surpat and M90 camos. You don't see them alot in airsoft.

Unless you're planning a loadout for a game that requires it specifically, you can use an AK with any camo and any gear that you want. I prefer to get gear that works for me rather than do specific impressions that were designed for how another army trains and fights.

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