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Bob1985 May 2nd, 2017 08:10

Airsoft Pistol
Hey, played airsoft a few times but haven't got any gear yet. Played a lot of paintball previously and have my own gear for that.
Found this which looks pretty good, love the idea of the pistol:

Picture doesn't seem to have worked, it's a Sig Sauer SP2022

I found it here

Any thoughts on these, seems to be a decent price i think.

Ant thoughts would be great,

thanks in advance :)

BrendanL May 2nd, 2017 08:35

Buy an AEG before buying a pistol

devbro May 2nd, 2017 09:47

I second that. AEG are better to own if you play a lot of team vs team games. Pistols are good for collection, secondary, speed shooting.

As for the model you want to buy, I think more popular models are better way to go. There are reasons they are more popular.

and last but not least, get age verified, you can find a lot of good deals in the classified here.

Bob1985 May 3rd, 2017 07:37

ok, thanks for the advice. What are your thoughts on the G&G AEG's as a starter weapon?

RainyEyes May 3rd, 2017 09:38


Originally Posted by BioRage (Post 1998536)
Friends don't let friends buy G&G.

Buy VFC VR16 lineups; if you're a lefty, buy something with ambi controls.


Kozzie May 3rd, 2017 21:14

G&G's CM's (combat machines) make good starter guns because they offer good performance out of the box for a minimal investment while you decide if airsoft is for you. Don't shell out for the Top Tech line, there are better guns for the same money out there. If you discover you're really into airsoft and want to get something higher end later on, the CM will make a good back-up/loaner to have around.

A couple things to keep in mind. Don't spend more than $225 ish on a CM, after that the cost:value ratio falls sharply. You're just paying for a lot of aesthetic things, the money would be better spent towards a higher end gun at a later date. Spend more than $225 and you're much better off getting into the VFC VR16 lineup, which begin in around the $330 price range. Don't plan on upgrading your CM. People do it, and they can get shooting quite well, but IMO you're far better off spending the time and money upgrading a nicer, metal bodied gun.

brock0 May 7th, 2017 09:34

With starter guns, the worse they are the faster they get dumped if you end up liking airsoft, or the faster they get sold if you decide airsoft isn't for you.

I'll echo what's already been said and recommend you go for a VFC which will be better to use or resell.

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