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HAMR April 19th, 2017 09:57

AEG is driving me nuts!!!
AEG is a G&G SCAR bought 2016
When in semi it fires fine but at random moments throughout a game it will switch back to safe without the fire selector switch being touched. I switch to auto, fire, then back to semi and it works, safe to semi doesn't fix this issue.

1. Has anyone else had this issue and how do I fix it?

2. Can I mod the AEG for semi only?

Gunny1980 April 19th, 2017 10:17

Are you spamming on the trigger just before this happens? This happens on my m4 from time to time if i dont fully pull the trigger and yes going on a quick burst of auto in a corner somewhere will get it back up and shooting. Im no aeg expert but i believe i was told it was the caused due to the piston not fully cyclying.

HAMR April 19th, 2017 10:31

Hard to tell, i'll test it sometime to see if it happens.

RainyEyes April 19th, 2017 11:13

You're short stroking the trigger. Let the gun do a full cycle by holding down the trigger and waiting for it to stop.

Common problem on v3's and stock setups. Get a MOSFET and problem solverino.

Gunny1980 April 19th, 2017 11:15

Gah short stroking lol thats what i meant haha

ThunderCactus April 19th, 2017 11:24

Incomplete cycle.
You're letting go of the trigger too early in semi, and the sector gear ends up sitting with the cutoff lever engaged, making further semi auto fire impossible.

Styrak April 19th, 2017 11:28


Originally Posted by RainyEyes (Post 2003234)
You're short stroking the trigger. Let the gun do a full cycle by holding down the trigger and waiting for it to stop.

Common problem on v3's and stock setups. Get a MOSFET and problem solverino.

Not all mosfets do cycle completion. Actually a lot don't.

HAMR April 19th, 2017 11:29

Thanks for the quick reply lads, saved me from throwing it out the window lol

So why arnt airsoft guns designed to eliminate short strokes? Shouldn't it cycle regardless of trigger pull? Is there a way to upgrade and stop short strokes?

ThunderCactus April 19th, 2017 11:52

Need a mosfet with cycle completion.
Analog triggers wont have cycle completion

RainyEyes April 19th, 2017 13:49


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 2003240)
Not all mosfets do cycle completion. Actually a lot don't.

Ah good to know. That explains why some mosfets are 20 bucks verusus 80+....

LightBulb April 19th, 2017 15:03

This is why I switched to GBBRs

lurkingknight April 19th, 2017 17:12

Not all fire controller mosfets have the feature, and not all mosfets are built on a processor that has software that can offer any features aside from acting as a low current relay to switch on a higher current circuit.

mosfet does not equal fire controller does not equal a specific programmed feature.

RainyEyes April 19th, 2017 17:48


Originally Posted by lurkingknight (Post 2003270)
Not all fire controller mosfets have the feature, and not all mosfets are built on a processor that has software that can offer any features aside from acting as a low current relay to switch on a higher current circuit.

mosfet does not equal fire controller does not equal a specific programmed feature.

Yes that is correct. Listen to this man OP and get the thing that does that one function that he says that some don't have but yours has to be better.

Full disclosure i have no idea what mosfets do other than control the flow of electricity better.

Styrak April 19th, 2017 18:23

And yet you're offering advice like you do.

RainyEyes April 19th, 2017 18:40


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 2003280)
And yet you're offering advice like you do.

I was on the ball... ish... that's why there are always second opinions.

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