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Showe22 March 12th, 2017 17:13

Sniper chest rigs
I'm wondering what other players use for a chest rig when spending extended time in a sniper role? I've got a milsim coming up in May and would like to move away from my 6094 plate carrier.

Recommendations are greatly appreciated :)

Drakker March 12th, 2017 17:19

It depends more on what kind of magazines your rifle uses. For example, I have a VSR10 and I find that pistol magazine pouches are the best for VSR mags, so I don't even need a chest rig because all my rifle and pistol mags will fit nicely on a belt. Sometimes, I use a MP9 SMG instead of a pistol, then I use a chest rig for MP9 mags and still keep my VSR mags on my belt.

marac March 12th, 2017 17:32

You can add whatever pouches you want to it. The fact it buckles up at the center front allows you to unbuckle and have your pouches to your side as you lay prone, avoiding higher profile and laying on your mags or other gear.

Splinter March 12th, 2017 17:41

Great kit

Ricochet March 12th, 2017 17:46

Is it a long game? Then stick with a PC. You'll want the weight distribution for water, food, ammo, etc. You could look into a lower profile PC, like the UR Tac easy plate.

daishi March 12th, 2017 19:57

I run a belt with a HSGI MPSH to redistributethe weight around. I have a canteen, my kydex pistol holster, small pouch for my radio/kill rags ect and pistol mags all on it. I also have a small pouch directly on the buttstock of my vsr 10 that holds 4 mags.

Its a great way to stay light, and VERY cool (temperature wise) during those hot summer games. Plus when I swap over to a rifle I just slap on a chest panel that has my rifle mags on it and I'm good to go.

pugs144 March 13th, 2017 09:48


Originally Posted by Ricochet (Post 2000722)
Is it a long game? Then stick with a PC. You'll want the weight distribution for water, food, ammo, etc. You could look into a lower profile PC, like the UR Tac easy plate.

Plates/PC is not a requirement to achieve proper weight distribution. Moreover, plates suck in the prone position.

GCode March 13th, 2017 09:49


Originally Posted by marac

You can add whatever pouches you want to it. The fact it buckles up at the center front allows you to unbuckle and have your pouches to your side as you lay prone, avoiding higher profile and laying on your mags or other gear.

This is an excellent suggestion. I have a 2 piece MAV with X harness that I use for greenside games. You can run it up high or down lower depending on comfort, and if you're wearing a ruck. Being able to open the front so you can go prone for long periods is a godsend and it allows you to keep a lower profile (as marac said).

If you do go with a belt setup, I'd highly recommend suspenders as well so you can unbuckle but still have it on your body.


Originally Posted by Ricochet
Is it a long game? Then stick with a PC. You'll want the weight distribution for water, food, ammo, etc. You could look into a lower profile PC, like the UR Tac easy plate.

What? The guy asked for help to get away from a PC. Please explain how the weight distribution of a plate carrier is better than a 2 piece chest rig or belt order setup, as it specifically relates to sniping or recce.

Bravo One-Six March 13th, 2017 10:28

Sniper chest rigs
Marac had a solid recommendation. And it's informed by a level of experience that no one else in this thread has.

I own the same thing and have enjoyed the durability, and the front separation. Easier to get on and leaves a space that is more comfortable when I go prone.

That said, what are you hoping to carry in it? Do you have a rucksack to support you? There are a lot of really nice super low profile options for rigs and could recommend some with more idea of what you'll be carrying and what kind of event you'll be taking part in.

Hectic March 13th, 2017 19:18

edit: pretty much what Splinter or marac linked is my setup with a 3l camel back zap strapped onto the harness and a drop leg.)
for airsoft sniping your best bet is go out with bare minimum, like a belt for your pistol and a dump pouch and some pistol mag pouches for vsr mags or whatever pouch you need. then a small pack for concealment items food etc for longer games if you so choose. after you play a while youll get to know what you want/need in the way of kit.
personally i use a battle belt type set up. pistol on a drop leg but towards the back or on the belt towards back or both, depending what all im running. (i run 2 pistols sometimes.)
i have 3 mags for the bolt acton (90 rounds) and some extra bbs in a pistol mag sized speed loader, so 100 rounds more tops)
2 or 33 pistol mags and hydration for skirmish days. sometimes i ghillie sometimes not depending.
for milsims its basically the same kit but with a drag bag for an aeg and ammo/mags for it. and a patrol/daypack for an mre and extra water and ammo, first aid, additional ghillies (field dependant) Etool,cord, bivy, (basic shelter needs)

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