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Cerowolf359 August 10th, 2016 22:58

First gun, need help😶
So I been wanting to get into airsoft for a while now and never really pulled the trigger so to speak. But now I'm pretty serious, have a decent chunk of money saved up for my first gun and no one to ask what's what. In any case I'm looking to start with something quality, I been to a few shops and they keep showing me 200 dollar ish aegs. So I guess my noob question is this, is a gbbr really to complicated to start with. I much prefer everything about it including the maintenance, just like maintaining my knife collection, it's a bit of work but is fun in its own right. I appreciate your time and any help that can be offered.

Cheers. 🙂

pestobanana August 10th, 2016 23:46

Get a VFC AEG. It is the best upgrade platform, stock performance and reliability are far above average.

GBBR isn't THAT complicated, just don't expect to be able to fire off a lot of rounds in succession without cooldown issues, don't expect to be able to play in the cold, and don't expect to have the same consistency as AEG.

Cerowolf359 August 11th, 2016 00:13

Hmm I was looking into Vfc when I first started browsing, they seemed to be the majority vote when looking about the Internet for reviews. And it's the realism about gbbr that I like, ammo cap, cool down, weight and such so if I still didn't want to go aeg, can you recommend some gbbr's. I was looking at kwa lm4 something like that... Maybe the kr 12

Forgot to mention, looking to spend 5-600 bucks on my gun.

Slodin August 11th, 2016 00:39

I would get a WE GBBr...just because parts are everywhere if something breaks..

I have one and it's great...

I think maintaining GBBr is not that hard...

Danke August 11th, 2016 00:59

Yeah it's not a hassle starting out with a GBBR these days as long as you're willing to do some legwork and read the massive info threads to see that will suit you best and dial in the finer details.

Dollar for dollar they're about par AEG vs. GBBR except for the mags. The gas mags are a ton more.

And same advice as always. Get age verified and browse the classifieds on here.

Cerowolf359 August 11th, 2016 03:49

Hmmm ok I'll keep lookin and see about getting age verified, thx guys 😃

ThunderCactus August 11th, 2016 10:25

Major downside to the GBBR is the mags. Costly and can develop leaks easily.

BioRage August 11th, 2016 10:41

GBBR mags are pricey, WE mags (used / M4) go for around $20-25 each from my experience, which is cheap, versus a used GHK mag which is around 40-60 each.

Anyways, that aside, GBBR are "more realistic" but also suffer from consistency and cooldown issues.

AEGs are better for beginners, and you can hold 50-2000 rounds, versus a 30-40 round mag from a GBBR.

I always advise going AEG first :)

You can look up KWA "ERG" which have a small amount of recoil, and a "stop on empty function" (aka gimmick bolt lock).

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