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Grudge March 18th, 2016 11:47

Glock going after Glock airsoft sales - Really?
I read this on another Airsoft site I'm on


Attention Classifieds Users - No More Glocks Allowed
It pains me to say this as I know it's popular platform but starting today we can no longer allow the selling of Glock styled airsoft pistols in the classifieds section. If you have a classified thread offering one it has been/ will be removed. We have been contacted by a law firm that represents Glock and we must comply with their wishes. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me directly.

Thanks for your understanding!
They have taken down all the Glock sales threads.

Anyone else heard anything about this?

Matt 'Maverick' Watts March 18th, 2016 12:41

Fairly straightforward actually. Up until recently, not one of the Glock airsoft pistols manufactured was licensed by Glock (who has both image and logo copyrights on all their firearms). Palco/Spartan Imports secured the North American rights to distribute a Glock airsoft pistol recently, and now, with Glock, are enforcing that copyright infringement.

BioRage March 18th, 2016 13:43


_Whiskey_ March 18th, 2016 13:47

Glock has been doing this for years

Ricochet March 18th, 2016 14:01

Airsoft Society has it posted in their general discussion thread. Considering you're allowed to legally sell an item that you legally own, I can't see them enforcing this successfully. For instance if we just banned the use of the word "Glock" from sales threads, or had a mandatory context change, such as; "airsoft pistol/Glock lookalike" thread, they'd be legally dead in the water. Just my opinion, but they can go Flock themselves.

Handsonic March 18th, 2016 15:00

I don't see why Glock would do this... It's not like they lose any business when an airsofter buys an airsoft Glock, it's not like we are going to buy a real one. Those assholes lost a lot of money by not licensing out their product but oh well. People are still going to buy and sell Glocks wherever they are.

Ricochet March 18th, 2016 15:36

Well, they've been stingy about airsoft since the beginning. They weren't the only ones, but definately the worst/longest running I can think of.

Danke March 18th, 2016 16:12

You know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It doesn't show up on your airport X-ray machines here and it costs more than what you make in a month!"

DuffMan March 18th, 2016 16:55


jordan7831 March 18th, 2016 23:05


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1974913)
You know what that is? It's a porcelain gun made in Germany. It doesn't show up on your airport X-ray machines here and it costs more than what you make in a month!"

Thats a Glock*lookalike*7!

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