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Hortons Heros October 9th, 2005 21:19

What Games/props to use
Bonjour all,

Started a club in Northren BC and loving it. I havn't made it to any milsims or big organized games but my own. Wondering what some good games, what props we should use to add to gaming, are there sites where I can find this stuff (nothing so far), ANYTHING TO DO WITH GAMES AND HOW TO MAKE IT MORE CHALLENGING/FUN.

We play
8-15 guys
all outdoor but possibility of indoor
electrics with a seasoning of springers

Dave Horton

Skruface October 9th, 2005 22:00

Air-powered claymores or LAWs are fun. Making suitcase bombs or other game props that make noise or go BOOM is cool.

yanhchan October 9th, 2005 22:09

traps like tripwires and stuff like that. Egg Timer bombs...just stay away from flammable stuff.

Hortons Heros October 9th, 2005 23:10

What is an egg timer bomb. Just wind it up and when it dings guys are out?

I was thinking out using one of those rape alarms..the ones you pull the pin out and it make a really loud squealing to cover the sound of my movments.

attack-beaver October 9th, 2005 23:13

talk to dave (gish) he makes some kick ass props for his team that i play on.

Hortons Heros October 9th, 2005 23:17

anyone got any good senarios to play?

GMTII October 9th, 2005 23:38

Everyman for themself's and when you get shot you join that persons team until everyone has joined up on one team and you hunt the last guy down (I forget the name of the game but it never gets old)

Capture the flag (self explanitory)

As well try and come up with some of your own ideas too. We had one senerio, where we took a estes model rocket and are mission was to find are the launching parts (including the rocket), get everything set up and launch the rocket once we had all the parts.


PTE. Pyle October 10th, 2005 00:21

why not make it down for one of out games at bcac and you can talk to some of the admins and other people could be a good learning expierance

Gryphon October 10th, 2005 00:28

A simple and fun game that can be played with few people is a variation on Tag.

Someone is designated as It. Whoever's It must try to shoot someone (tag them) who then becomes It. Other players can shoot at whoever's It to get a 10 second immunity from being It. This gives people a bit of a chance to run. Butcher-backs (ie. tagging someone then immediately tagging back) are not allowed for 10 seconds.

The real fun begins when you don't know who's It. Variations can be done however you like, the rules aren't concrete. The only caveat with shooting whoever's It is it should be only in response to being shot at first. You don't want to indiscriminately light up the poor fellow as he's walking around trying to tag someone or he'll just get mad.

Whozat October 10th, 2005 00:42

Do a search on google for "airsort scenarios" and you'll find all that you need.

conrad October 10th, 2005 02:58

Never mind, idea taken.

yanhchan October 10th, 2005 12:31

actully there are a few sites that have simulated bomb circuit boards. You make em and they ring and you actully have to defuse them somehow.

Hortons Heros October 16th, 2005 22:50

MILSIM SCRIPTS. If you have any milsim or skirmish scripts please post a link to them or e-mail me.

Also wondering how you assign ranks to players? How do you know who's giving the orders and how do you create chain of comand in your games?

Lord Jebus October 17th, 2005 00:50


Originally Posted by yanhchan
actully there are a few sites that have simulated bomb circuit boards. You make em and they ring and you actully have to defuse them somehow.

Got any of these sites bookmarked?

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