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SWI7CH June 4th, 2014 14:02

Getting back into airsoft, should I upgrade?
Hey everyone,

I currently have a WELL R8 (G3 SAS) that I bought 7 years ago when I got into airsoft. I never had any issues with it except for the crappy battery that came with it. I used the AEG for multiple games over the course of 2 years and really liked it, shoots around 320 FPS.

Now fast forward 5 years, I am looking to get back into airsoft. Looking around at sites I am noticing that vests that fit G3 mag pouches are hard to come by, therefore making it difficult to put together a nice load out and play again.

So my question to you is, if you were in my feet right now, would you put some money into fixing up the old AEG (external and internal modifications) and tracking down tac gear that goes with it, or, would you sell it and try and upgrade to something newer plus easier to find good tac gear?

Sorry for the long post. I cannot wait to get back into this!


Desmodus June 4th, 2014 14:30


Originally Posted by SWI7CH (Post 1893303)
Hey everyone,

I currently have a WELL R8 (G3 SAS) that I bought 7 years ago when I got into airsoft. I never had any issues with it except for the crappy battery that came with it. I used the AEG for multiple games over the course of 2 years and really liked it, shoots around 320 FPS.

Now fast forward 5 years, I am looking to get back into airsoft. Looking around at sites I am noticing that vests that fit G3 mag pouches are hard to come by, therefore making it difficult to put together a nice load out and play again.

So my question to you is, if you were in my feet right now, would you put some money into fixing up the old AEG (external and internal modifications) and tracking down tac gear that goes with it, or, would you sell it and try and upgrade to something newer plus easier to find good tac gear?

Sorry for the long post. I cannot wait to get back into this!


If it were me, I'd sell it and upgrade to a newer model thats available. Airsoft in Canada has changed pretty quickly in seven years! There are models out now that are lightyears ahead of the older stuff and way cheaper too!


SWI7CH June 4th, 2014 14:34

Cool, Thanks for your input man. I have noticed how much airsoft has changed! haha

targetGspot June 4th, 2014 23:27

If it's in your budget, I'd keep it as-is for a backup and buy or build something more up to date. 7 years ago where I live it was next to impossible to go full metal and good internals. Now you can get pretty much anything you want and at a far more reasonable price. Are you going to join a team? if so wait until you do and match up gun type with team mates so you can borrow and lend mags. Also parts and tech work becomes easier...

ThunderCactus June 5th, 2014 00:03

vests never used to carry G3 mags anyway?
Get a molle base, use M14 mag pouches, lots of those around

SWI7CH June 5th, 2014 16:08


Originally Posted by targetGspot (Post 1893410)
If it's in your budget, I'd keep it as-is for a backup and buy or build something more up to date. 7 years ago where I live it was next to impossible to go full metal and good internals. Now you can get pretty much anything you want and at a far more reasonable price. Are you going to join a team? if so wait until you do and match up gun type with team mates so you can borrow and lend mags. Also parts and tech work becomes easier...

Ya I think I might do that. Ill just keep it as a backup and try and find something new. I have no intension on joining a team so I'll start looking for a new AEG right away.

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