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Duggs April 30th, 2014 21:50

not a noob but getting back to the game
Hey there.
So I've been out of the game for a while due to a injury but I am looking at getting back at it. Just a couple of questions since I've been out of the loop. I've heard that air soft is now being played at maple ridge paintball. So im juat wondering how do they feel about punched steel goggles and or is full mask required. I know its a paintball field and they may require paintball lense and full mask. I'm just wondering because I'd hate to show up and my goggles are no good. Id also appreciate any feed back on any drastic changes to the sport since I've been out for two years.

Cheers all

Blitz85 April 30th, 2014 22:33

The type of PPE required is decided by the field / host. It's not the same all across the board. Your best bet is to call this place and ask them directly. Having said that I have seen more places that don't allow them than do, in my opinion mesh goggles are a bad idea anyways but they're your eyes.
Hope that helped, good luck.

Duggs April 30th, 2014 22:37

Yea I get that. Im kinda a big guy and regular lenses fog to quick and with vision impaired I find that's more of a danger.its also punched steel not mesh. Never had issues with my goggles before with wearing my glasses underneath. But thanks for the imput

Blitz85 April 30th, 2014 22:49

Mesh/ punched steel, we're talking about the same thing. Fogging is a pain in the ass, especially with glasses. Most people don't allow them because bb's can shatter and get through the mesh.

DEATH2000 May 1st, 2014 11:35


Originally Posted by Blitz85 (Post 1886455)
Mesh/ punched steel, we're talking about the same thing. Fogging is a pain in the ass, especially with glasses. Most people don't allow them because bb's can shatter and get through the mesh.

This. I remember them coming out originally early 2000's and used one for a while, but when you get low quality BB's (or .12's) they can shatter on impact and you run the risk of shards getting past the mesh and into your eyes. I have seen it a game once, and thankfully their was no serious damage.

Almost all fields ban them as they are not ANSI certified in anyway. Shooting glasses from ESS, Oakley, Smith Optics are all much better as they are ANSI/Mil certified and some fields do allow those. I run ESS ICE glasses with the strap around the back and have never had an issue with them.

Kilomike09 May 29th, 2014 00:45

If i remember correctly Maple ridge paintball requires full seal eyeprotection, So usually paintball masks or other things like that.

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