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ecnerual April 28th, 2014 10:18

Help with back setup for my vest

So I bought a Mayflower APC in small/medium and im questionning my self on what i'ill put on the back.

It must be abble to take a 100oz bladders and take mags/thundersB (eazy to access for a teamate) and some places to put some stuff !

Sadly they say it only take 1-2 L bladders
and its kinda expensive for me atm !

Do I have an other solution ?

Thank you and sorry for my english I know its not perfect :p

redzaku April 28th, 2014 10:48

you want something that attaches via molle then and also have molle webbing on the carrier
for a cheaper alternative
then you can add this
or how ever you so choose

lurkingknight April 28th, 2014 10:53

unless you are freezing it for an icepack on your back, 3L is a bit of overkill. I've had 2L bladders and after my first year went down in size to save on weight. I carry a 1L bladder now and most of the time it's only half filled.

I refill it when I need to during reloads at base.

2.2 pounds every liter of water you take, I'd prefer not to carry an extra 4-5 pounds if I don't need to.

DEATH2000 April 29th, 2014 11:54

Ill agree with Lurking. Its like carrying around a 2L +1L bottle around on your back. That will probably get pretty tiring pretty quick. I would stick with a 1L or 1.5L bladder personally.

Cliffradical April 29th, 2014 12:32

No disagreement with the previous posters, but if you're playing games longer than a couple of hours (especially if you don't have access to your vehicle as per game rules, or are hung over), you'll really wish you had that extra liter of water when it's not there.

I have one of those cheaper Condor carriers in the 3L variety, and a nicer bladder from MEC inside. If I want less water/ weight I just don't fill it as much.
If you'd like to even out the feel of greater weight on your back overall, do more situps (not a snarky comment, everyone should do more situps).

Again, the previous posters' comments are valid, it really just depends on the kind of games you play, or would like to play. Hydration is #1 top priority for outdoor gear. Dehydration and heat stroke are no joke.

xav1982 April 29th, 2014 12:37

The back of my 6094

3liters lbt pouch with double 40mm on it on the left ( double 40 used for small smoke grenade ) and large single smoke pouch and single mag on the right

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cav. April 29th, 2014 12:40

I've got a 3L CamelBack, and I usually just fill it to 1.5L. Unless I am going to an outdoor game (probably never) I doubt I will ever need 3L. It does get quite heavy!

Joshcoe April 29th, 2014 13:35

If you cantfind a smaller hydration carrier you can buy an average size utility pouch and buy a 1.5l bladder from Canadian tire or something. I've seen it done

lurkingknight April 29th, 2014 13:59

I have a cooler I usually bring to the FOB or as far forward as I can have support gear like BBs and gas and or batteries. That way I'm not terribly far from refilling my bladder.

If you are going through 1L+ of fluids in less than an hour, that's either way too much water (you're burning electrolyte as well) or it's so hot that most people on the field would probably not want to be there lol.

Most I've done is 6L of fluids in 12 hours and it hurt to pee I was peeing so much. It was also like 35+ with the humidex. Load out according to the weather... just like you dress for the weather. I ditched my vest for most of that game because I was overheating with it on.

MikeRomeo April 29th, 2014 22:23

UR Tactical make 3L/100oz Hydration covers with external Molle as well (not sure on the quality as I've never used UR Products, I use SORD), can always put pouches next to it or on it if you like

ecnerual April 30th, 2014 00:28

Question isnt about the water I need on me ! I want to know if there is other options for a assault back panel !

xav1982 April 30th, 2014 00:31

Commercial off the shelf the ferro is the only one I know too...

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MikeRomeo April 30th, 2014 01:17


Originally Posted by ecnerual (Post 1885771)

It must be abble to take a 100oz bladders and take mags/thundersB (eazy to access for a teamate) and some places to put some stuff !

Sadly they say it only take 1-2 L bladders


Question isnt about the water I need on me
We were giving you alternate options on what you could do for a back panel, like running a Hydration cover and pouches seperately on the back panel of your plate carrier...
If your really after a Backpanel, honestly Ferro is possibly the cheapest out there. If you want to fit a 3L hydro in it, fill it halfway and fold it.
The backpanel will be even heavier with grenades, mags, and extra supplies with the water...

Edit: VGC Are releasing a CPC Backpanel sometime soon, But I'm not too sure if they will release a Molle to zipper panel for it.

xav1982 April 30th, 2014 02:25

A less expensive solution....

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Gato April 30th, 2014 04:48

I only carry a radio and water on my back. I do carry 3L cuz I hydrate like a mu-fuka

That said, put a triple shingle or some nade pouches on the back or even on the bladder if you "need" to carry spares for a team mate.

Though I'd say fuck them, one man one kit. Pass them a nade or mag if need be, don't mount shit all stupid COD like for them....

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