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Sarge127 April 15th, 2014 01:57

CTAC CTAU1 Review-Ish.
Hey dudes.

So i just got my CTAC AUG Ver. In the mail today and i decided to let you all know what it's like and how it is since there aren't really anything on CTAC around here.


After i got it i did a lot of test firing and had a little 2v2 Wing-man match. It's quite sturdy and fragile as i didn't really know anything how CTAC does there work so i was cautious on the field with it. The Handle wobbles and feels like it'll fall out just by grabbing it and the trigger felt as if it was going to just break off when i primed it full-auto.

After the match i decided to try and take it apart. (I succeeded) To see what kind of wear it got so i did a little research on how to take it apart it was much like the JG version. Here are some pictures and some tips on how to take it apart.
--Now to the gearbox.

Now after getting to the gearbox i wasn't impressed with the Internals one bit...
Plastic Bushings? >_>
The motor... I hate it when it's welded on. -_-
All that grease. O_O Not sure who made the internals they seemed to be shit.
See? Plastic Bushings. New CTAC AUG too. Good? Bad? I did notice a bushing fell out when i was opening the box.

So just by looking at the pictures you can tell the AUG looks bad and sounds bad... Well after i did a lot of modifying i decided to use some parts i had and throw them into the AUG most parts are modify.

BOOM! Unfortunately i couldn't fit my modify bushings so i decided to use the stock ones... For now. The stock Anti-Reversal Latch was the biggest pain in the ass to keep in place so i switched that out for the Modify Ver. Gears, Piston, Cylinder, Cylinder Head, Spring M90 all are now Modify but for sure i am going to get a new gearbox with new motor and wiring. The stock gun ver. seems alright but you could tell whats eating it if you listen to how the springs move around in it. Doesn't sound pretty...

If you want to find out more info on it on the materials you could do so by going to the CTAC website.

The gun is alright i guess sort of like the JG.. I know it has potential to turn into a beast if you have the funds, but if something externally breaks like the trigger, safety switch, or handle. Have fun trying to find a replacement part for now i am going to experiment the living hell out of it. Not sure if this was helpful at all but at LEAST i shed a little light on a CTAC gun some are curious about.

AngelusNex April 15th, 2014 06:21

Based on how those internals look, They rebranded a JG AUG and sold it for an extra $100.

JadedKommando April 15th, 2014 10:15

I was really curious about C-tac because there's little info out there about the brand. I think Angel hit right on the mark, a re-branded JG with a over inflated price tag. Note to self stay away from C-Tac until further notice...

Spike April 15th, 2014 11:07

I've also had one of these apart before, 100% JG made gun.

_Whiskey_ April 15th, 2014 17:39

Well by from what I have heard from friends in the red deer area, The CTAC sportlines Aug and AK's are crap. I had a M16A3 from them and it wasn't too bad piston was replaced soon out of the box but most guns need that replaced out of the box or shortly after. CTAC AR's are decent guns, But the snipers and sport lines from what I have heard and seen are cheap and not worth the money

Spike April 15th, 2014 17:40

Their pro line AR series guns appear to be re-branded VFCs. Same hop up, self shimming gears, big ass bushings.

_Whiskey_ April 15th, 2014 17:46

Pretty much. The same gun I had is on the classifeds right now. Don't deal with the guy who is selling the thing he is a rip off. CodeRed006 is his name I think. But the AR's are decent anything else made by them isn't worth the cash.

Sarge127 April 15th, 2014 23:15

Well now i know what to look forward. So far i have two guns from CTAC the VSR and the AUG. VSR is bad the cylinder is wobbly when cocking it and the AUG just seems fragile as hell. Might just sell'em.

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