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CR0M September 11th, 2013 20:37

skull lower face masks... at Dollarama right now...
Was walking around the store today, and while down the halloween isle I found those skull lower face pro... Im not a big fan of the look at all, but I bought one, because at $2 each, its nice I guess as backup or a loaner...

The plastic is solid enough, I can see it taking the same beating the "airsoft" versions take...

its literally the same mask as that, except theyve got them all painted funky halloween colours. Some of them are plain black, I was able to get one.

But yeah, cool beans I say...

Jaco14 September 11th, 2013 21:09

This will not withstand a bb hit
The plastic is really crappy and a bb will leave an almost perfect 6mm hole In it

j3ttamaster September 11th, 2013 21:39


Originally Posted by Jaco14 (Post 1832659)
This will not withstand a bb hit
The plastic is really crappy and a bb will leave an almost perfect 6mm hole In it

True story, My team mate had one last year, we shot it from 20ft away @400 fps, blew the tooth clean out. Let just say it turned into target practice

CR0M September 11th, 2013 22:08

I use one of the koei masks from time to time, I cut everything below the nose off, and drilled small holes all over, so its just a lower, and its the same plastic, Ive taken many shots off it and its fine...

That said...

I could see how the teeth part might puncture when hit by a bb as theres small holes in between the teeth ( I guess to breath easier) but if it did break through, i imagine it would absorb most of the impact. Theres guys on here that use shemaughs to absorb BB impacts lol, so yeah... haha

I dont know, for $2 its ok... alot of guys dont use lowers. Im one of those guys that hates them, but is too paranoid to game without them.

Im constantly trying to find a goggle/lower combo that I really like as appose to one I learn to deal with. Not saying this thing is the answer, but as a backup/loaner its ok.

PrIeSt September 11th, 2013 22:11

If you don't wear a lower, this is a horrible choice. not only is it effectively useless, it will cause you to fog the crap out of your goggles, but a $10 mesh lower and be done with it lol

Grudge September 12th, 2013 00:37

I've picked up a few for our zombie game. There will be next to no shooting (limited ammo and guns) mostly nerf swords and stuff!

350 fps or less.

Covax September 13th, 2013 14:28

it may be worth experimenting if ‘reinforcing it’ with duct tape would help any.

For the 25$ version I got off Airsoftpark I would cover it up with form/cammo tape anyway, which adds to the creep out factor.

SuperHog September 14th, 2013 00:01

Just tried and got this message

Dear customers,
We decided to close website permanently.
Customer service will continue to support you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about your items/orders. Thanks a lot!

OM3GA September 14th, 2013 00:10


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1833313)
Just tried and got this message

Dear customers,
We decided to close website permanently.
Customer service will continue to support you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about your items/orders. Thanks a lot!

Their new site is airsoft peak, they changed awhile ago iirc.

PrIeSt September 16th, 2013 10:45

Just remember to out that extra money away to save for dental work. Saving $15 is a pretty risky swing.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

MultipleParadox September 16th, 2013 10:54


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1833313)
Just tried and got this message

Dear customers,
We decided to close website permanently.
Customer service will continue to support you.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about your items/orders. Thanks a lot!

What does this have to do with the topic?


Easy to test: take the dollars a mask, put it 20ft away and shoot it, you'll be set

PrIeSt September 17th, 2013 15:49

How does shooting it with your gun from 20' compare to some other guys find at 6" walking around a wall? Lol

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

MultipleParadox September 17th, 2013 16:19


Originally Posted by PrIeSt (Post 1834196)
How does shooting it with your gun from 20' compare to some other guys find at 6" walking around a wall? Lol

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 4

Just shoot point blank if it's what make you happy :P
I personally never seen nor have been shot in the face at that range; but yeah I agree accidents happens

Jaco14 September 17th, 2013 17:54

I have shot one point blank that's how I know that it leaves almost perfect 6mm holes in it
For protecting your face you want something that will withstand a hit at range
Aswell as an accidental close/ hot shot
Otherwise there's not much point

Not to mention when a bb penetrates that lower its now carrying shards of broken plastic with it on its way to hit your face
So probably would end up being lot worse than not wearing any face pro

SuperHog September 18th, 2013 13:18

That is a practice everyone should do for any face protection product that is not airsoft ballistic tested. Shoot it at a distance of 3 to 5 feet away. If it passes, then use it.

If you punch a 6mm hole through it and still want to wear it, your choice.

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