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Auto_Demon June 13th, 2013 23:47

WE M16A3 reliability
I am planning on doing a gbb C7A2 build and the best contender is the m16a3 by we, ive recently had their g39c and it had so many probems. I was just wondering if anyone has this gun and if its reliable, if not i have some others in mind. Thanks

KoolAidMan June 14th, 2013 00:01

I'm at 4k bbs with my hk416 only issue is broken nozzles every 1.5k bbs everything else is solid did 15k bbs out of a pdw with 0 issues odd you had problems with the g36 its the model o found to experience the least amount of hiccups

Auto_Demon June 14th, 2013 00:03

Well i have 2 friends that have the g39k ras and the other has the g39e and both of them had the same problems as me

Zack The Ripper June 14th, 2013 00:05

Sometimes you get lemons, as with all rifles. Most WE rifles are very reliable and just require periodic maintenance.

Brian McIlmoyle June 14th, 2013 00:16

Pre and post use tear down and cleaning, inspection and lubing is key to ensuring reliability in all GBBR platforms.

I swear by WE GBBRs. In most cases of failure I have be able to sort out thE issue on the field.

I have a WE G36. It's been a workhorse, never gone down. I have had to tear it down and clean and Re-lube in game but that would be true of a RS gun as well.

Same is true of the AK model, and the L85

The only issue I have had with the pDW has been freezing

M4 has beem a solid performer as well.

SCAR... Never been reliable..

Auto_Demon June 14th, 2013 00:23

Maybe ill give the m16 a try, i take care of my guns alot and lube em often so maybe this one will be different, and its cheaper than my other options

Forever_kaos June 14th, 2013 00:44

Maybe you are taking care of them wrongly, lubing the wrong things, too much, not the right amount/product, missing spots, etc... ? There's a lot of variables.

There's a guide somewhere on here by ShelledPants (I believe) detailing how to care for a WE M4. Will give you a good look into caring for the M16 if you decide to purchase one.

Curo June 14th, 2013 06:09

I love my WE and swear by it. Just if and when something breaks replace it will an ratech part. Most stock WE AR-15 parts are at the point that brakeages are uncommon (afyer years of testing and new models). And RA tech makes a full line of high Quality replacement parts. Mags can still be an ass. But a little maintance (cleaning, lubing, making sure mags have gas) and the gun will treat you right.

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