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Silverback93 May 29th, 2013 20:44

Which camo should I get next?
I've been wearing the good ol US Woodland now for awhile and I'm looking to get something different. I want to get something based on uniqueness (but still some what easy to obtain), cool factor, and the actual effectiveness.

The patterns have in mind so far are Fleck, Vegetato, and Pantera!
Other possibilities are a few Russian patterns like Flecktar-d and Partizan (green version)

I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions!

Off_kilter May 29th, 2013 21:08

Check out partizan m. Its reversable and will be good if you need to switch teams in tan vs green games.

SuperCriollo May 29th, 2013 21:10

If you have deep pockets...

OM3GA May 29th, 2013 21:14

I have always thought Vegetato is pretty awesome and it's not something you see all that often which adds to the LCF. Another pattern that I have always liked is splinter, specifically Swedish M90.

The obvious issue with some of the more obscure patterns is the ability to source gear and clothing, that is unless you have bottomless pockets. :p

Considering what you listed I'm not too sure what you think about more modern patterns. If you don't mind them I have to recommend the Kryptek family of camouflage patterns. Gear is getting easier and easier to get now that it's becoming really popular.

FreelancerInc May 29th, 2013 21:29

theres a place in vancouver that sells the full line of kryptex camo....its very interesting sorry no link here

hoot. May 29th, 2013 21:36

dstactical has Kryptek

Silverback93 May 29th, 2013 21:42

I do like the kryptek stuff, but I would like to stick to one of the patterns I mentioned in my original post.

OM3GA May 29th, 2013 21:44


Originally Posted by hoot. (Post 1800608)
dstactical has Kryptek

Yep, they have both Vertx clothing in Kryptek and they will carry the full line of Mayflower R&C Kryptek gear. They don't have it in stock yet but they should soon.

As for other gear there is quite a bit, look to Halley Strategic, Honor Point, Grey Ghost Gear/Tactical tailor, and a few others I can't remember right now.

theshaneler May 29th, 2013 22:16

If your primary camo is US woodland, i would suggest getting a tan based camo. It is always handy to have both types so you can help even out numbers at games, and if you ever attend a bigger (national level) game, you can sign up for either team, as those events are usually divided by camo.

it would suck if you decided to go to a game just to learn that the only team you have the camo for is closed as the numbers are to uneven.

Azathoth May 29th, 2013 23:34


Originally Posted by SuperCriollo (Post 1800594)

+1 Dropzone Pencott

Have a temperate set. Honestly their 3G pant is the best camo pant i've ever worn.

FreelancerInc May 30th, 2013 00:04


Originally Posted by Silverback93 (Post 1800611)
I do like the kryptek stuff, but I would like to stick to one of the patterns I mentioned in my original post.

you want something different but only one of the 4 you mentioned? if you want unique get kryptex as its probably the most unique thing on the market and newest meaning you'll probably be the only one on the field with it.

unless i mis understand the term unique and what this post is actually for, because it would seem as though your just wanting our opinion to push you over the edge of which you get instead of looking for new ideas.

*edit* so i googled basically your asking what type of german style camo you should get next?

Hectic May 30th, 2013 00:05

All terrain tiger stripe. Works as good or beter then multi cam. Its not multi cam. Its quality (made by truspec). not too expensive (round 130bucks for a bdu). dead sexy. Did i mention its not multicam lol.
Otherwise then id say the italian camo is nice too. Vegetato that is.

Debrief May 30th, 2013 00:06


uniqueness (but still some what easy to obtain), cool factor, and the actual effectiveness.
Swedish M90 should do the trick:

When it gets dirty it's practically invisible, and it's about as "cool" and unique as you can get for a BDU (yet to see anyone else besides my group wearing it at AB games), while still being relatively easy to get ahold of:

Hope that helps!

theshaneler May 30th, 2013 00:17

M90 is team Hellfish's official camo in Manitoba... its very very green. really good mid summer, but not great early spring and fall.

when we did the group order for it 2ish years ago, it was expensive as all hell, but i will admit, when you are done up from head to toe in it, it looks cool!

Hectic May 30th, 2013 00:20

Good thing they dont give them mags in training, they lack trigger dicipline.

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