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Immelmann May 29th, 2013 16:07

Buying Real ESS in Canada?
I was just wondering if anyone knew of anywhere in country I could get some (real) ESS goggles? Or should I just get them direct from ESS and pay $25 for shipping and then duties?

Hectic May 29th, 2013 16:09

Armyissue surplus has surplus ones. RNichols distributors has new.

Danke May 29th, 2013 16:09

I think Army Issue has a ton of it in.

z0ng May 29th, 2013 16:13

If you pick up a pair of ESS Profile NVG's you can get replacement lenses for them for a reasonable price from CP Gear:

Azathoth May 29th, 2013 16:17

seals action gear in Calgary.

cheaper to get direct from states.

Immelmann May 29th, 2013 16:18

Oh, apparently I'm a dumbass. Don't know how I didn't see those on AI...

Edit: I was planning on getting the Tactical XTs though. I guess now I just have to start wearing those contacts I paid for :p

Flailing_Seagul May 29th, 2013 16:26

Another +1 for army Issue in the GTA. Bought mine from there, they are actual surplus ESS goggles. Got mine with smoked and clear lens (Mint shape) & case for 35 bucks. Grabbed a generic fan kit and I couldn't be happier with the set up. The fans fit perfect in the sides under the straps.

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