Airsoft Canada

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chrono88 August 18th, 2005 15:03

Question about airsoft and my friend from US.
Hey everyone i searched up and saw a thread about carrying airsoft across the boarder and i know its bad and illegal without proper license to import it. But my friend is now living in colarado and is moving back and he has some airsoft. so i was wondering if he moves back with it should everything work out. But thats why im hear to ask for your guys opinion.

id link the thread but i lost it. it was the one with that vs8lo or whatever guy posting.

Also sorry if this is in the wrong section, not saying i will but if i do get flamed that i accept it that i must of done something wrong and will try my best to make sure i don't do it again.

Conscript August 18th, 2005 15:05

Tell him to sell all his airsoft gear in the states and buy airsoft in Canada.

Jackals August 18th, 2005 15:06

Your friend should sell off his guns and re buy them in Canada, its the safest way.

GMTII August 18th, 2005 15:07


chrono88 August 18th, 2005 15:08

ill let him know, and im all for canadian retailers so ill tell him to do that. But he told me something about how if he doesn't have intention to sell or something he can get it across ok he told me he was talking to a person but i don't know. So I will tell him to sell it because he couldn't put it like in with his house stuff when he moves cause thats concealing right? sorta?

P.S thanks for the quick replies

GMTII August 18th, 2005 15:10


ToRN August 18th, 2005 15:11

Erik, it is a bad idea to advise anyone to 'hide' anything while going across the border, especially on a public forum that is visited by the law enforcement community, as well as customs agents.

GMTII August 18th, 2005 15:30


ToRN August 18th, 2005 15:40

The problem with what you said is not the legality of airsoft, it is the problems that come from hiding anything from a customs agent, as well as the fact that you told someone on a public forum to conceal the existence of the gun by hiding it at the back of the truck, thus making you look like you are doing something wrong, so you will be treated as such.

As well as the fact that according to Customs Canada, you cannot transport airsoft accross the border, and you are telling someone to go ahead and do it anyway, which could mean a whole lot of trouble for them if it were found, and they were trying to hide it/didn't declare it.

TheGunShow August 18th, 2005 15:41

What about disassembling the gun and then reassembiling it once he gets here, might work might not. he may just be better off selling his guns and rebuying once he is moved here as mentioned earlier

ringu August 18th, 2005 15:42

I'm all with torn on this one !! It is illegal to import Airsoft guns without the proper liscense. Even though it is already yours, when you bring it from the US to Canada, it is by definition Impoting it.

my 2 cents,

ILLusion August 18th, 2005 15:53

The receiver is what defines the gun as a "replica."

He can disassemble the entire gun, but if customs performs a seizure, they will take the receiver if not more of the gun. It's up to the individual officer's discretion.

Tankdude August 18th, 2005 15:57


Originally Posted by ToRN
The problem with what you said is not the legality of airsoft, it is the problems that come from hiding anything from a customs agent, as well as the fact that you told someone on a public forum to conceal the existence of the gun by hiding it at the back of the truck, thus making you look like you are doing something wrong, so you will be treated as such.

I wouldn't put it in the front seat.

I would break it up and store it with my other electronic stuff. What can they say? All these parts once put together will resemble a gun. What part of the gun would they seize? Hand grips are not illegal. mags are not illegal mechboxs are not illegal. They going to take the abs body and claim it is a replica? They going to spend 10 hours at the border trying to reassemble a heap of abs parts and bolts.

Just a thought.

TactOps1 August 18th, 2005 16:02


Originally Posted by Erik_james
Well airsoft guns are not illigal. So your not bringing anything illigal into Canada. if it was real firearms it would be a different storie. You could simply declare your aeg as a bb gun or some kind of electronic decice. and you wouldent be lieing so if customs did happen to find it they cant charge you. I did something similar when crossing the boarder from the states to the us. I brought back solid plastic abs knuckles. I checked out the crimminal code of canada and it clearly said "brass knuckles" are illigal if they consisted of a band of metal with hole's for which the fingers fit over. So I printed it out and kept it in my pocket so when I got to customs if they did happen to find the knuckles on my carrie out luggage (the luggage that sits under the cockpit) that I was not bringing anything illigal into canada. But nothing happened. I got everything into canada without a hitch.

Also dont people in the us need there airsoft guns marked with a orange barrel tip? so if customs did infact find your friends gun they would see that it has a orange tip and probably inspect it and realize it's just a toy.


Seems like you have done this before. You obviously realise what you are talking about and you must know the law really well too....
Good Luck!

From here on you should listen to ToRN , I'm just me and I don't know ToRN , but I support his call.

ToRN August 18th, 2005 16:05

I'm done, if they don't want to listen that's their problem, and I just hope that they don't serve as an example to the people trying to ban airsoft.

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