Airsoft Canada

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JDoorn January 11th, 2013 12:46

Typically, are GBB's allowed in indoor arenas?
Probably a really noobish question, but just want to be sure. Are GBB's of any kind (that comply to the establishments fps regulation) allowed in indoor arenas? Or are they designated for outdoor use?

DaRkCoMmAnDo January 11th, 2013 12:49

They're extra smelly indoors, but allowed (meeting FPS requirements of course).

JDoorn January 11th, 2013 12:56

(of course) Thank you

w1lp33 January 11th, 2013 14:23

Indoors is the best place to use a gbb :-)

JerryMcGoulBerry January 14th, 2013 23:44

You can get an Npas or low flow valve to make them CQB friendly.

Danneichh January 15th, 2013 17:42

Yeah. I own a KWA LM4 with an NPAS installed, and I can get into Ultimate Airsoft in Toronto just fine. The bottom line is, if your gun fires within the field limits, you can use it. Hell, if you had a Barrett sniper rifle that fired under 350, use it as much as your heart desires.

Styrak January 16th, 2013 05:08

Gas pistols are all I usually use indoors.

Ricochet January 16th, 2013 10:08


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1747232)
Gas pistols are all I usually use indoors.

It depends on the size of the facility, but I find I'm about the same. Pistols aren't as unwieldly.

Dart January 17th, 2013 12:42

if you can't get below FPS limits try running duster gas. It usually drops FPS 70-100fps. Just note that it won't cycle super crisp and full auto is out of the question for alot of the new gas hogs like the mp7 and mp9

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