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5kull December 31st, 2012 16:01

Fallschirmjager boots, what would you buy?
Hello everyone,
Sorry if this as been discussed before.

I visited several reenactor sites and you get all sorts of suggestions for FJ boots at all kinds of price. I don't want to buy a cheap pair of boots, used or something that is uncomfortable.

What I want to know is, in your experience, what do you think is the best choice for a pair of FJ boots. I like the idea of buying new old stock Canadian boots because I used them when I was in the army, not the best boots but I know what I'm buying. I can find them at a good price in an army surplus and try them on before buying them.

Reproduction FJ boots are expensive and I have no idea what kind of quality I'm getting or if they will be comfortable.

Prefair garrison boots look very similar to some of the boots I have seen on reenactor sites, what do you think?

Drunk_Albertan December 31st, 2012 16:29

Richard Underwood has had some great reviews from the reenact or sites. Here's a link to his boot section.

5kull December 31st, 2012 16:52


Originally Posted by Drunk_Albertan (Post 1741563)
Richard Underwood has had some great reviews from the reenact or sites. Here's a link to his boot section.

Thanks DA,
they have great stuff on that website:) I visit them all the time and drool on my keyboard:)My favorite is

These are very nice, about $185 CAN + taxe, duty and shipping. Very similar to an 80s Canadian combat boot. I might go for them but I still have a lot of equipment to buy.

These are great! But out of my price range at $400 +

shiftsup December 31st, 2012 18:20

I have owned a pair of ATF FJ Boots since 2009. They have held up fine and a reasonably comfortable. Walking in mud and wet terrain can be tricky though. The soles have very little traction.

Old CF boots are a decent substitute though. Same goes for those garrison boots. There are lots of 12 eyelet front lace subtitute boots out there.

Wouldn't bother with the side laced boots, unless your going for an early war (1940-41) impression.

5kull January 1st, 2013 10:26

Sounds good, I was a little bit worried that substitute boots wouldn't be good enough to be accepted in a more serious game.


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1741588)
I have owned a pair of ATF FJ Boots since 2009. They have held up fine and a reasonably comfortable. Walking in mud and wet terrain can be tricky though. The soles have very little traction.

Old CF boots are a decent substitute though. Same goes for those garrison boots. There are lots of 12 eyelet front lace subtitute boots out there.

Wouldn't bother with the side laced boots, unless your going for an early war (1940-41) impression.

shiftsup January 1st, 2013 10:54

Old CF boots look the part. I don't have a pair of those anymore but they are certainly passable. Really no different than wearing DMS boots for a british impression or East German or Russian jack boots for a Heer impression. It's quite common from what I can tell. Boots like 5.11 duty boots would be a stretch though. Just my opinion.

chtomman January 1st, 2013 23:02

Il y a aussi les bottes std allemande ( style est allemande ) que tu peut utiliser selon se gars qui aurait travaillier pendent 5 ans au musée des ardenne .Voici c'est dire sur l'unifrom FJ.
Mais perso , les bottse FC donne plus le look Fj

5kull January 2nd, 2013 09:29


Originally Posted by chtomman (Post 1741922)
Il y a aussi les bottes std allemande ( style est allemande ) que tu peut utiliser selon se gars qui aurait travaillier pendent 5 ans au musée des ardenne .Voici c'est dire sur l'unifrom FJ.
Mais perso , les bottse FC donne plus le look Fj

Site très intéressant:) Beaucoup de petit détail qui aide Ã* faire des choix.

Cliffradical January 2nd, 2013 12:38

Does anyone have experience with the side-lacing boots and/ or a recommendation?
I think I'm going to buy some simply because they're some fine-ass boots.

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