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Spike December 3rd, 2012 21:27

Madbull IPSC grade BBs
Has anyone ever used these? My team is going to make a big fuckoff order to BBBastard in the spring, but to get those of us who play through the winter, I was thinking of grabbing one of these

I can get it to my door for about $150, which works out to be $7.50 per 2000 BBs vs $10 per 2000 BBs+ shipping that you'd get at most places.

I couldn't really find any decent reviews on them though.... so, anyone have any feedback?

L473ncy December 3rd, 2012 21:42

They're actually not bad. They have 2 "grades" for their BB's. "Precision" and "Match", I forget which is which though (although I think precision is their "lower tier" line and Match is the "upper tier"). It looks like the bag Duy is selling is the Precision line.

Either way they're good BB's and should tide you over for the time being.

Also, they don't seem to jam in my KSC Glock which can be a bit finnicky on what BB's you can run through it (I believe it's to do with the loading ramp or something...).

MaciekA December 3rd, 2012 21:50


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1732482)
Has anyone ever used these? My team is going to make a big fuckoff order to BBBastard in the spring, but to get those of us who play through the winter, I was thinking of grabbing one of these

I can get it to my door for about $150, which works out to be $7.50 per 2000 BBs vs $10 per 2000 BBs+ shipping that you'd get at most places.

I couldn't really find any decent reviews on them though.... so, anyone have any feedback?

The IPSC-grade Madbulls are excellent. I've shot thousands of them through high-rps, high-fps setups with no problem. Trajectories are good. I haven't cut them in half yet so I can't report on density or bubbles, but my suspicion is that they're at least half-decent internally, judging by performance.

Eien December 3rd, 2012 21:51

I used them for a number of years. I never had any hickups with Madbull BBs.

lurkingknight December 3rd, 2012 22:14

they feed and load exceptionally well. I find they are not as consistent as bastards though. This was with .28s

cetane December 3rd, 2012 22:45

I didn't buy the big bag but i have gotten many bags of 25, 28 & 30's of those madbull's. Never an issue. Their bio's though not so good...

Drake December 3rd, 2012 23:25

There's two grades of Madbulls: the "Precisions" available in .20, .25, .28 and .30, and "Match" available in .20 and .25.

MB Precisions are like other regular, quality BBs (KA, Bastard, etc): the .20 and .25 weights have large air bubbles in them, which aren't always centered (don't take my word for it, split open whatever BBs you have now and take a look for yourself). The .28s and .30s are denser and have no real bubbles to speak of (this is also true across all top tier brands).

The MB Match grades are slightly more expensive, but they contain much less bubbles and what few bubbles are there are very small and distributed evenly through the material. From my own experience I found the MB .25g Match BBs to be similarly accurate (indoors, without any wind/foliage to take into consideration) to .28s. Except cheaper and obviously less FPS loss. Obviously if playing indoors with lower FPSs, this is an advantage.

Here's a sample picture:

I split 10 random MB Match BBs (.25g) and 10 random BBs (also .25g) from another popular brand and picked out the best and worst sample from each. Madbull Match on the left, the other brand (lets say Madbull Precision, cuz they're basically all the same) on the right; best sample top row, worst sample bottom row. The image is of BBs split in two: I split them further after to see if other bubbles were present but those cross sections seem representative of the BB as a whole.

Con Murder December 4th, 2012 03:09

Thanks Drake, I have been using madbull forever along with some teammates. Never split them though, seems that the only bb I have had bad experiences with are ones I never see on asc. My only retailer stocks these and echo1 but I think the echos are a bit lower in quality or I only shoot them on windy days. Any chance you have any word on green devil?

Azathoth December 4th, 2012 11:03

I had problems with madbulls getting jammed inside my magazines which resulted in non-feeding magazines. Using the PTS PMAGS (1st gen). When i was running TM mags, had no issues.

My guess on the reason is due to poor polish or larger diameter

kullwarrior December 4th, 2012 16:37

The fact that it's styrene just makes me want to avoid it. We have true biodegradable bb that is better than most non-bio bb.

Drake December 4th, 2012 18:31

Which Bios are you using?

My experience with Bios has been woeful and they're relatively unpopular here for similar reasons.

Con Murder December 4th, 2012 18:39

I have heard good things about the green devil bio bb from a local player who only runs those in his systema ptw. I believe Imperial Airsoft in Calgary is his vendor for them. Anyone else used green devil bbs?

MaciekA December 4th, 2012 19:16

I agree with one of the above comments that styrene is generally unnecessary now, you can get BIO-BBs which are fairly superior to non-BIO. The exception for this is that there are some fields that still have a "no BIOs allowed" rule, so it's still worthwhile to seek out the superior non-bio varieties.

L473ncy December 4th, 2012 22:56


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1732784)
Which Bios are you using?

My experience with Bios has been woeful and they're relatively unpopular here for similar reasons.

I'm assuming it's Darklens/Bent Barrels Green Devils.

They're quite popular in Europe at venues that require Bio ammunition to be used for one reason or another (I used them at one site/venue I played at in the UK). It seems like it's been kind of kept a secret to North America though.

lurkingknight December 4th, 2012 23:02

I'm using bioshot .28 .3s and .32s right now... I had the .28s out during nightfall I like the way they shoot, but overall they are not liking my p90 mags. They load a lot better into my g36 mags. The .28s are super consistent... I should cut open a few to inspect them... maybe this weekend.

Only issue with bioshots is shipping them in from the states is expensive.

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