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Frankonopolous April 30th, 2012 20:00

Would Like To Play Competitively
Alright so im 17 years old (clearly not age verified), ive been playing airsoft since i was 12, ive always played safely, in controlled areas, i know the rules and regulations by memory, and ive recently joined the CF, i joined the CF, because its something that i love to do, just like airsoft, its my sport, and my favorite hobby, and i take it as serious as rednecks take their beer, i thought it'd be awsome if i can bring what i learn in the CF, to airsoft, this way gettign the best of both worlds, and id like to play competitively, ive already spent close to $1000 on protection and proper equipment, only problem is i have a crappy kitty cat commando 160 FPS, pee-shooter, id love to upgrade but government doesnt pay me enough and AGAIN im 17, course you have all the idiots that ruin airsofting for us, the wannabe losers that buy airsoft guns and go out into the public making us true airsofters look like rage killing nerds, but some are good character and play the sport as a lifestyle, (like me) so im just wondering how in the hell, would i be able to play competitively, if im 17, and cant even purchase myself an airsoft thats half decent, im stuck in a gutter, and it reallllllly sucks!

Danke April 30th, 2012 20:04

Lots of guys in the CF play. I'm sure you'll meet some and can get out to competitive games. Then the rest will follow.

Frankonopolous April 30th, 2012 20:15

too bad im only 17 :p

Grudge April 30th, 2012 20:25

17 is not the end of the world. Lots of places to get connected, get involved with other players, learn the ropes. Some groups will have loaner guns for those that they get to know, during organized games.

You can get in touch with : for some intense Milsim. The MAA : for all sorts of things, semi milsim to quick scrims. Cuddy's commandos : for under 18 players.

Other teams and groups can be checked out at Trappers place noob day on the 12th:

Also check out the MAA open house, this Saturday :

L473ncy April 30th, 2012 20:26

Isn't Xtreme Tactics 16+?

Also if you're that responsible reach out to the local community and maybe someone will take you under their wing? Prove yourself to be as mature as you say you are then the rest will follow.

obsolete April 30th, 2012 22:15

#1. Thank you for your service to our country.

#2. I know it sucks to have a dream and have to wait for it to happen, but in the end it makes it worth it. I had to wait until I was 34 to achieve a childhood dream, but it was really cool when I got there.

Curo April 30th, 2012 22:19

What do you mean by competitive like shooting competitions? Cause CAPS is that, really cool stuff with sleek upgraded (mostly) TM Hicapas!. Well your gun doesn't need to be upgraded but it helps. Those are ISPC style events.

And then there is milsim, which I wouldn't call competitive but is really groups of airsofters trying to be as mil as they can whilst whining ^^ or in other case not whining and manning up. By the way I just enlisted aswell, hopefully we will meet up someday!

Ross April 30th, 2012 22:59

Xtreme Tactics will let you play if a legal guardian is present.

Trayne wr3ck May 1st, 2012 01:08

Which regiment did you join (I'm assuming you're a reservist). There's a couple guys at Minto who play. Not to sure about Macgregor but I know there was at least one engineer playing last year.

Edit: Now that I think of it there's definitely at least 1 recce guy i know who was playing last year as well.

Brian McIlmoyle May 1st, 2012 10:14

Guess what..

time is linear... and moves forward... you will be 18 in no time... then in time.. you won't be able to remember what it was like to be 18 ....

ahh, 17...

coach May 1st, 2012 10:25


Originally Posted by Frankonopolous (Post 1647101)
too bad im only 17 :p

Less than 12 months to wait is nothing as time flys by so fast these days. You still have a life time ahead of you. Why rush getting old?

Ballcancer May 1st, 2012 10:27

Brian you are still trying to remember what its like to be 30!! :D

...and yea as for guys in the CF.. I play with 3 or 4 guys that are currently enlisted, full time and reservists, great guys all of them and they definitly bring their skill and experience to the sport in a very positive way!

Crunchmeister May 1st, 2012 10:35

Lots of soldiers playing airsoft. A good percentage of our local numbers are RMC cadets. Of course, we have other non-RMC CF players as well.

Ross May 1st, 2012 11:07

"People assume time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint -it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly...timey wimey.....stuff."

Armyissue May 1st, 2012 11:12

Two things that are Glaringly in-correct about your Post.
There is no "Competitive" Airsoft I played for two years before I heard someone say " Hey! We Won!" Competition in AirSoft is friendly, beyond that if you are striving to win you may loose too much of the game experience.
The other is that you will bring your Army Training to Airsoft. It ususally works better the other way around. You will have the freedom and opportunity to make many mistakes in Airsoft and you will learn from them faster than the army will provide for. A two way range, is an intimate instructor.
The ASr's don't care that you are in the army and the army doesn't care that you play AS. There is no advantage to mention ee-ther to I-ther.Find the local Winterpeg group of guys and start to pay attention to the games and AARs.
Bring a positive attitude and hit the ground running.

and to the point of Time.
"Life is Short,
But it is W i d e "

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