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MaxyGirl April 20th, 2012 10:55

Im new at this
Im from Belleville, Im new at this sport/game. I admit, I dont play much, but would love too. Im a 29 year old women with two children, and a wonderful fiancee. I was just wondering something, I love taking pictures, but mostly its been of nature and people. I would love to get some action shots.Would I be in the way if I were to attend some game, when my fiancee goes and plays. I use a fuji film camera 18x optical zoom camera. It takes great photos, but I would love to test it to see how it is with action shots. Plus play a few games as well.

slink182 April 20th, 2012 11:13

Photographers (not to be confused with players with pocket cams) walking the field is at the discretion of the game organizer and/or field owner. Questions should be directed in those directions.

At the same time, most organizers/owners are pretty good about photographers in-field, as long as they are identified as such (dayglo safety vest, for example) and have been cleared by the hosts.

Rusty Lugnuts April 20th, 2012 11:15

Hi At least half the games that i have been at have a person shooting video(same idea). If they don't want to be shot at, they usually wear red headgear and i assume that toting an expensive camera, you don't want to be shot at. For your own safety, you would still wear eyeprotection- I assume thats not a deal breaker. So i suggest that you focus(sorry) on a particular game, check with the host and take lots of shots. Also try not to give players locations away.Since i'm from Quinte as well, I can suggest some closer locations that you and your fiancee may not be aware of. PM me for details

ceazer April 20th, 2012 11:30

welcome... 1 word of advice airsoft and expensive cameras arent best of friends.
bbs shooting just under 500 fps+18x optical zoom camera lense= A trip to blacks!!!
not to discourage you because every airsofter likes there picture taken while in the heat of the battle, but more to use as a precaution. save you that trip to blacks.... im sure someone here can point you in the right direction to finding a way to protect your lense.

Armyissue April 20th, 2012 11:49

and be sure to pit stop in the sticky at the top.

Photography and Airsoft are like Siegfried & Roy with Tigers, like Strippers &Coke, like Hunting and Whiskey.
Its a great thrill, and an awesome time, but sooner or later shit will go very bad for you.
You will get shot your camera will get damaged and players will tell you to GTFO! Worse still if your Fiance doesn't understand and physicallly abuses some one defending your honour.
I'm not saying its a bad Idea, Airsoft is where it is partly because of he shutter bugs that populate these boards and the stellar Vainity of a lot of the players here, but you have been cautioned.
Now, read and ask the other Phothogs here, you'll learn a lot and could really get great results. Have fun.

m102404 April 20th, 2012 12:08

Please be respectful of all the players there. Many may not wish to be photographed, etc... Although a debate can be made about public/private/etc/etc, it would be a nice courtesy to ask first and/or have the host make it known that pics/vids will be taken. It's difficult and not practical to go to a large game and filter out those who don't want to be photographed/filmed with all the running around/etc.

5kull April 20th, 2012 12:42

If you were in the area where I organize games I would love to have you take pictures on the field. Proper gear to identify yourself and a clear shield to protect your optics is all you need. You must also be careful not to reveal hidden players or to place yourself in the way of the fighting. Players must be warned that your taking pictures, they are free to leave if they are camera shy. Finally, you can't ask for money or use the pictures to make money:)

z0ng April 20th, 2012 12:53

RE Camera being shot at just bring some extra lens filters so your glass survives in case there is a direct hit.

Much cheaper replacing the filter after all.

For those who don't want pictures could always get some patches like these :)

Maybe with a darker red though...

DMZSpoon April 20th, 2012 13:14


I shoot airsoft at the local fields all the time. I would recommend at least a clear filter over the end of your lens, and if possible, create a custom lexan shield for it.

Optionally, go for a large zoom and stand way back! Keep in mind this is a game others are playing and trying to win so you need to be as unobtrusive as you can, as giving away a position for a shot will piss people off royally.

Walk the field for a bit, get to know it and the spots where the action will take place. There are always natural chokepoints this occurs on. Also, for technique, practice panning if this is not a skill already. Be visible, don't be afraid to vocalize your presence and above all post you shots, I'd love to see them! :)

Revolution Imaging.

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