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takatsu January 26th, 2012 17:56

Your First Ever Gun
Idk if there's a thread for this already, but it couldn't find any/doesn't seem like there is. haha

Just curious, what's YOUR first ever airsoft gun? Crappy embarassing little clear springers as kids, or you jumped right on top of the good stuff??

Whatever it is, post it here! pics, name/model/brand or other information plz!

Here's my crappy Walther P22 springer many years ago from Canadian tire for $20. so light and cheap but surprisingly still works well... guess its just simple. it always shoots off center though, no matter how u aim. end up having to aim more to the left to hit the target xD Painted the bottom half black with ugly model paint or something.. don't remember

pounce_the_jaguar January 26th, 2012 18:07

Tm M16VN and TM AK47. Drove to Seals action gear in Calgary way back when they were selling airsoft(2004-2005??). Dropped a grand and then drove back to Edmonton. I still have the AK (albeit heavily modified) but the M16 was switched out for a WGC custom AR15 from Anderson and Anderson.

Oh the memories.

Danny Cyanide January 26th, 2012 18:08

My first gun was a brand new release when I bought it in 2002, it was the TM Mp5 RAS:

It was ugly as sin, and was eventually made even uglier by me! I installed a metal body, full stock, huge assed silencer and a RAS attached M203. If I still had any pics of it in that god awful configuration I'd post one, but I don't. The joys of being young and foolish!

takatsu January 26th, 2012 18:14

lol, you guys had the luxury of getting your airsoft virginity taken away with TMs. I love MP5s though, so that looks hot to me LOL i dont know about the m203 on it though

megabeers January 26th, 2012 18:24

i went directly to the Real Sword SVD.

Strelok January 26th, 2012 18:25

One of these from forever ago, 2005 I think? Those springers were actually pretty good, haha.

And then I got one of these when I was 16, for my first 'real' airsoft gun :). I didn't hesitate to paint it up after getting it.

NomNoms January 26th, 2012 18:35

EDIT: Crappy Tire $35 clearsoft. I still have it somewhere...

Now I moved on to an ARES G36, with an ELCAN Specter DR. Just waitin on my paycheque to get an AG36!

Qlong January 26th, 2012 18:42

Gah, deleted post by accident.

Crossman Pulse M70

Drunk_Albertan January 26th, 2012 18:49

KSC M11A1, old system. What a problematic gbb that is. Upgraded the bolt to magnesium bolt, Installed a G&P metal lower, replaced the nozzle and miscellaneous odds and ends internally, and now is not too bad.

Not a good gun for a noob though.

takatsu January 26th, 2012 18:53


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1595667)

One of these from forever ago, 2005 I think? Those springers were actually pretty good, haha.

And then I got one of these when I was 16, for my first 'real' airsoft gun :). I didn't hesitate to paint it up after getting it.

So we have the same one :P Good times. I attempted making it dual tone, except its a clear slide haha

what (brand/model) is that "real" airsoft gun?

Cliffradical January 26th, 2012 18:54

Bought a clear and orange Beretta 92 type thing from Walmart.

I brought it back and got dry-roasted peanuts and Aliens special edition instead!

ARC-74 January 26th, 2012 20:25

LS spring 1911 Combat Commander Mk IV series 80.
It was a kit bought from England in the early 90's.

JLiang January 26th, 2012 20:30

JP FAMAS, rebranded by Palco.
Pretty good piece of kit, and I got it on sale. Still serving in the background, purely due to it's gigantic barrel size.

Freeze January 26th, 2012 21:23

LOL takatsu. I had the exact same gun, but I bought mine from Bass Pro Shop maybe 5 or 6 years ago.

My first was a dollar store POS which I still have and my cousin used to have one too, and we used to shoot each other with them because they didn't hurt. times.

My first springer would be the Walther P22.

My first real airsoft was my JG G36. Pics are somewhere in the HK Thread lol...

I guess that I had more stages than anyone, starting with DOLLAR STORE.
I still can't stop laughing at the fact that my first was a DOLLAR STORE one.

SHaKaL January 26th, 2012 21:40

First airsoft gun was a Western Arm infinity 5'' single stack

Sold it after 3 years but i'm still regretting it :(

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