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Watdapakman November 1st, 2011 07:24

WE 416 Stock Replacement
I recently got a Magpul UBR (gbbr ver) stock in trade and tried to install it on my WE 416 unfortunately the buffer tube that came with the UBR stock doesn't fit on my we 416. Is there a different buffer tube for UBR stock that I can use that will fit on WE 416. Your help will be greatly appreciated. T\hank you.

Qlong November 1st, 2011 07:32

Which brand are you using?

Unfortunately the Chinese replica does not work with WEs due to the inner diameter being too small causing the bolt carrier to rub against the walls of the tube.

Watdapakman November 1st, 2011 07:52

magpul pts ubr stock-I tried to install it with the upper body removed. the buffer tube just won't go in

CrAzy AziAn March 17th, 2012 16:19

Just bringing this up. Is there an update on where I can get a UBR that does fit on the 416.. (rather then the chinese clones)

audi_bhoy March 18th, 2012 13:02

I've seen some people on other forums, might be on ASC though, that took their lower bodies to a machine shop, to have it rethreaded to fit different buffer tubes.

CrAzy AziAn March 18th, 2012 17:39


Originally Posted by audi_bhoy (Post 1623861)
I've seen some people on other forums, might be on ASC though, that took their lower bodies to a machine shop, to have it rethreaded to fit different buffer tubes.

I did some research and a few people say that the best "drop in" clone would be the A.C.M version. Can anyone verify if my research is right? I would go RS but for that much I might as well get a genuine 416/417 stock lol.

jomor March 18th, 2012 20:53

I had this problem as well. You should do search on the boards here and you will see my posting on this. Basically you need the real steel stocks not airsoft stocks. Thread size on the WE is the same as the real steel. I didn't bother with it and have since traded off the gun. Waiting for the VFC 417 instead.

Aurelien March 19th, 2012 01:29

I installed the Element UBR on my WE416 and the buffer tube fit like a dream. Only thing I had to do was cut down the nylon spacer to allow enough bolt travel (to a total of 22mm iirc, but it was several years ago). Its been a great stock, and I'm exceedingly happy with it.

Edit, I also sourced some very small washers to go around the little screws that hold the top cover on, as they were slightly too long and I didn't want to try cutting them down).

I have seen reports on that the PTS tubes do fit, but only after some serious filing, possibly the height of the threads? I'd do a search on there to verify that before you do anything though.

CrAzy AziAn April 5th, 2012 19:06

Well I went with the ACM one. The buffer tube fits exactly but the bolt carrier is getting stuck on the cock-back. Whats this about cutting a nylon rubber? I tried the bolt carrier, recoil tube and spring and they slide easily... but when the gun is together it gets stuck back... I dont have Xray vision to see whats happening inside >.<

Watdapakman April 5th, 2012 19:20


Originally Posted by CrAzy AziAn (Post 1633977)
Well I went with the ACM one. The buffer tube fits exactly but the bolt carrier is getting stuck on the cock-back. Whats this about cutting a nylon rubber? I tried the bolt carrier, recoil tube and spring and they slide easily... but when the gun is together it gets stuck back... I dont have Xray vision to see whats happening inside >.<

My gun doc (Hkghost) made some modification with my UBR stock and now it fits nicely on my we416. He got into the same problem with the bolt carrier getting stuck when you cocked it back but he solved that problem.
You may wanna ask him how he solved that problem.
Hkghost ftw :)

CrAzy AziAn April 5th, 2012 19:42

Figured it out. The buffer tube is waaaayyy too long, the bolt is going back too far. Now the question is, what do I used to compensate the extra space?

-=ArchAngel=- April 5th, 2012 23:33


Originally Posted by CrAzy AziAn (Post 1634003)
Figured it out. The buffer tube is waaaayyy too long, the bolt is going back too far. Now the question is, what do I used to compensate the extra space?

shim it with washers or coins XD

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