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TIC_Scarface September 15th, 2011 15:16

How to pick the right DMR
Hi everyone,

I am going to work on a project during the winter offseason to acquire and upgrade a DMR for next year. With so many choices on base models and so many options at upgrades and I'm somewhat new to the sport I was hoping to get some good suggestions.

Maybe point out a base model then list the specific upgrades I could put into it and then what to expect stat wise when I'm done (Like FPS, Weight, Range).

After some preliminary research I found I could go with several base platforms. This is what I came up with: KWA M16A2, TM Daniel Defense RECCE Rifle, Sig 552, CA G33, or TM AUG A2 with Sniper Kit.

Thanks to anyone that can help.

Ninja_En_Short September 15th, 2011 15:27

Ok first thing : forget about SIG552 and all short barrel guns, these are not meant for DMR. If you do I'll hunt you and take your soul. :D

Now that it's established you may consider medium to long barrels and upgrade that with a 6.02 Guarder barrel (what I did) on the M16 family (and SR25 too by the way, A&K make awesome ones) or G3, G36, etc.
I wouldn't recommend a bulpup assault rifle for that however (at least the Steyr Aug) because it the mag is going to be a stability hindrance. Works ok with a short mag though (like the M16 20 rounds ones).

My preference goes to the SR25 BEC (Battle Entry Carbine). Features a 16" barrel (400mm inner barrel works) with short/retractable stock and I already got a rail for the scope.
In the same family you may consider an cheap SR15 URX and upgrade it.

TIC_Scarface September 15th, 2011 15:30

Right, but in reference to the 552 doesn't SIG make a longer barrel version of the same gun? The 55-something or ever.

Scouser September 15th, 2011 16:00

one of the guys around here did up an a&k masada as a dmr, he did the work on my masada as well, im getting about 210' range on 370fps with the stock 6.04 tightbore they come with, use one of those and you can get the range you want, and still keep the fps low enough that you dont have to worry about an MED.

plus if u get stuck in close, the stock folds to the side for a bit more manouvering

Ninja_En_Short September 15th, 2011 16:10

Yeah the SIG 55X has longer barrels. I believe G&G, King Arms (repacked by Cybergun) and ICS are making some.

You have the choice between the 551 (M4 length more or less), 550 and the 556.
I prefer the last one given you have a retractable stock.

I recommend a scope like this one also :

The flips are pretty crappy but the scope itself is very good and has a very decent eye relief, my face is about 15/20cm away from the scope and perfect sight, also the 1-4 zoom makes it possible to use it either as a scope or simple red dot.
I have it on the SR25, best scope ever bought (aside from the one on my 98B but not the same price).

Fox62 September 15th, 2011 18:38

You sure you don't wanna go GBBR? In my own experience they have proven to be reliable enough platforms to build a DMR from (the WE SCAR and HK 416, or even the G39 are excellent base guns for this), and since you'll probably be shooting semi you won't really have to worry about cooling mags, and so on. Plus, you don't really need many upgrades to get these guns shooting at 500 FPS+, and they have a killer look and feel when firing.


phloudernow September 15th, 2011 19:22


Originally Posted by Fox62 (Post 1532931)
You sure you don't wanna go GBBR? In my own experience they have proven to be reliable enough platforms to build a DMR from (the WE SCAR and HK 416, or even the G39 are excellent base guns for this), and since you'll probably be shooting semi you won't really have to worry about cooling mags, and so on. Plus, you don't really need many upgrades to get these guns shooting at 500 FPS+, and they have a killer look and feel when firing.


well to put it that way a GBBR would definitely be a really good choice for a DMR however if he wants a gun that would be for the whole year round, he would probably go for an AEG, GBBRs don't work well in the cold so yeah, considering that factor an AEG with a ASCU mosfet would probably be the best option

Kokanee September 15th, 2011 19:36

WE M14, good right down to +3 (ish) degrees celcius and a rock solid platform.

wildcard September 15th, 2011 20:03


Originally Posted by TIC_Scarface (Post 1532809)
Hi everyone,

I am going to work on a project during the winter offseason to acquire and upgrade a DMR for next year. With so many choices on base models and so many options at upgrades and I'm somewhat new to the sport I was hoping to get some good suggestions.

Maybe point out a base model then list the specific upgrades I could put into it and then what to expect stat wise when I'm done (Like FPS, Weight, Range).

After some preliminary research I found I could go with several base platforms. This is what I came up with: KWA M16A2, TM Daniel Defense RECCE Rifle, Sig 552, CA G33, or TM AUG A2 with Sniper Kit.

Thanks to anyone that can help.

If you want something unique get a FAL The one I have is a carbine with the only upgrade being a better spring guide and a tightbore as many can vouch it's a freakin laser, mate it with a grenade launcher then you some nice DMR/Door knocker combo

TIC_Scarface September 15th, 2011 21:15

There were so many brands when I was looking at M16 and other gun platforms. Can you guys help me figure out the scrub clones from the good brands by rating them out of 5. 5 being the highest quality, 1 being the lowest. Thanks.

Classic Army

scurvythepirate September 15th, 2011 21:54


Originally Posted by TIC_Scarface (Post 1532986)
There were so many brands when I was looking at M16 and other gun platforms. Can you guys help me figure out the scrub clones from the good brands by rating them out of 5. 5 being the highest quality, 1 being the lowest. Thanks.

TM 4
KWA 4.5
G&G 3
G&P 4.8
Classic Army 4.6
Umarex (Depends on specific Gun)
Ares 4
ICS 4.5
CYMA 3.5
JG 3

WHoops! misred

wildcard September 15th, 2011 22:03


Originally Posted by tic_scarface (Post 1532986)
there were so many brands when i was looking at m16 and other gun platforms. Can you guys help me figure out the scrub clones from the good brands by rating them out of 5. 5 being the highest quality, 1 being the lowest. Thanks.

Tm - 3
kwa - 3.5
g&g - 2
g&p - 4.5
aps -1
classic army - 4
umarex - 3
ares - 3.5
ics - 1
cyma - 2
jg -1

king arms - 5

MMatersk September 15th, 2011 23:05

Vfc- 4.8

Ross September 15th, 2011 23:18

walmart +100010219029

Debrief September 15th, 2011 23:30


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1532959)
WE M14, good right down to +3 (ish) degrees celcius and a rock solid platform.

+1, no better airsoft DMR exists than the WE M14 EBR.

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