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ledsurfboat July 22nd, 2011 03:10

KWA and KSC NS2/System7 Mags
Hey Yall,

I've got a KWA m1911 mkiv PTP on the way. Unfortunately, the retailer I purchased it from did not carry spare magazines for it. I am looking at international, non US, retailers at the moment to get some spare mags for it.

I was wondering... I know KWA and KSC NS2/S7 mags are compatible in both KWA and KSC guns... but are the mags the EXACT same? Since one is marketed towards Asia and the other for North America. Do they have the same gas output in FPS? I keep seeing the rated FPS on asian retailer websites to be a little lower than in North American ones.

On, they've got the KSC System7 mags m1911a1s. But it's a little expensive for me at 45 each. I've seen em as low as 30 at US retailers - though I really don't want to ship from the US in fear of border brokerage fees.

Thanks for your help in advance!

Styrak July 22nd, 2011 03:16

You don't want to pay more in Canada, yet you don't want to order them from the US for fear they're cost more because of brokerage.

Pick one or the other, it's probably not going to make a ton of difference in cost. Although I would recommend supporting Canadian retailers when possible.

System7 = NS2, so they should be exactly the same.

ledsurfboat July 22nd, 2011 03:55

My bad!

On a second look, I noticed none of the KSC System 7 mags have the extended bumper plate like on the KWA NS2 mags for the MK series. That's probably because MK i,ii,iii,iv series is from KWA. KSC just has the m1911a1s.

I guess I'll just have to hunt for a KWA one. So far the only one I've seen outside the US so far is eHobbyasia for $35. Though I have read good things about them here, I am a little apprehensive about buying from there after seeing some order f-ups and that eHobbyasia boycott list on airsoftcanada.

PS. Stryak, i checked out your webpage... damn, you don't carry the mags either!

Styrak July 22nd, 2011 04:34

You don't necessarily need the extended plate do you?
If you're thinking it's integral to the mag's function, it's not.

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