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ruinz00 April 23rd, 2011 05:17

Canadian Forces Vest
I originally started out with digital woodland. I'd like to switch over the Cadpat if possible. If not a big fan of my vest. So I figured that would be the first piece that I will replace. A copy of the Canadian Forces vest would be nice. I am currently running a M4, M14 and a USP. I know that M4 mags fit just fine, but does any one happen to know if M14 and USP mags have a nice spot to nestle into?

I found this vest at A&A. A few other retailers have it for about $100. I'm not sure if I want to get another replica. The last one I was not very impressed with, but it did work. Am I better off waiting and trying to snag a real CF vest?

Mr. G36! April 23rd, 2011 07:20

As a member of the Canadian don't want our Tac-Vest.

CADPAT rocks though, and there are a lot of different styles of modular vests available in CADPAT.

medhatboy April 23rd, 2011 07:40

Mr. G36 is right, you don't want the CF vest, the day I traded in the web gear for the tac vest I was all excited till I got a good look at it, then I was very dissapointed, only holds 4 mags, like what the hell. Guess it's true what they say, your stuff was made by the lowest bidder.

Outcast569 April 23rd, 2011 13:39

whats every ones opinion on the cpgear stuff?

-Skeletor- April 23rd, 2011 13:45

Lot of guys have used and still use the MoFOCR and some guys like it, others like it but not all of its features. I personally don't know what its like, but I have a mix of CP Gear utility, IFAK and grenade pouches on my TT MAV and Tac Vest and I like them.

Also, the CF Tac Vest sucks in the real world it's only decent for Basic Training, etc.

It would be illegal for a civilian to own it anyways.

The Tac Vest would not work with M14 mags unless you want to stick them in the C9/Utility pouch and same with the pistol mags. Also you could buy other pouches to put onto the tac vest, where you can, but it makes the other pouches useless(ie the mag pouches). Far better to get another rig that is actually suited for what you want to use it for.

Specs April 23rd, 2011 14:00

It is crappy for basic....I missed my own gear when I did BMOQ. It will not fit any pistol mags nor will it have space for m14 mags. It is also a static vest so you can not add pouches and such. You will very rarely see a deployed CF member use this.

ruinz00 April 23rd, 2011 15:41

A MOLLE vest it is. 4 mags is a little low. I have a total of 17 mags, not sure how many I will actually game. I'll keep my eye out for some CADPAT MOLLE vests.

medhatboy April 23rd, 2011 16:01

holds 3 mags and comes in Cadpat, both woodland and arid. I had a bunch of these in multicam when I was carrying 21 mags for my M4.

-Skeletor- April 23rd, 2011 16:10


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452820)
It is crappy for basic

I wore it on my SQ course and it held all the kit we needed to carry fine


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452820)
It is also a static vest so you can not add pouches and such.

The C9/Utility and canteen pouches are removeable, and a MOLLE panel can be put in their place. As well pouches can be attached to the webbing running down the centre of the tac vest - the webbing originaly intended for the bayonet frog.


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452820)
You will very rarely see a deployed CF member use this.

Actually it was quite common to be seen, as not all Battle Groups, etc were allowed non issue rigs. Even for the Battle Groups, etc that were allowed non issue rigs not all members would buy their own.

ruinz00 April 23rd, 2011 16:28

I got one of these:

Out team wanted to all switch to mulitcam, but that kinda colapsed after a few months. The pouch that you posted is pretty sweet. It can accommodate any mags I get in the future. Little more money than I wanted to spend this year, but I only need to buy it all once.

RecceGod April 23rd, 2011 16:46


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1452862)
I wore it on my SQ course and it held all the kit we needed to carry fine

The C9/Utility and canteen pouches are removeable, and a MOLLE panel can be put in their place. As well pouches can be attached to the webbing running down the centre of the tac vest - the webbing originaly intended for the bayonet frog.

I wore it on my SQ course and it held all the kit we needed to carry fine

Actually it was quite common to be seen, as not all Battle Groups, etc were allowed non issue rigs. Even for the Battle Groups, etc that were allowed non issue rigs not all members would buy their own.

I attest to all of Skeletor's comments. All true. Some people need to check their facts before posting...

Specs April 23rd, 2011 17:10

The area which you are talking about for attaching molle pannels is very small. Yes it worked for basic training but lets face it, 4 mags is not enough for the infantry. Groups which you are talking about, are they combat arms? Have a flip through the images here

How many are not wearing issued vests? I have completed basic the same as you have, MY OPINION is that the rig is insufficient.

Specs April 23rd, 2011 17:17


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1452862)
I wore it on my SQ course and it held all the kit we needed to carry fine

On my course we had to attach the old style webbing (forget the pattern number right now) butpack to the back of our tac-vests because there was insufficient room in the vest and we were not issued small packs.

-Skeletor- April 23rd, 2011 17:53


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)
The area which you are talking about for attaching molle pannels is very small.

Large enough to fit a mag pouch, as well the MOLLE panels for the sides(ie where the C9/Utility pouch/canteen pouches) are fairly large.


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)
Yes it worked for basic training but lets face it, 4 mags is not enough for the infantry.

I agree, I never said anything to dissagree with that.


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)
Groups which you are talking about, are they combat arms?

Do you know what a Battle Group is? It is a Combat Arms unit/organization based around an Infantry Battalion(at least in Afghanistan) with attached Armour, Arty, Engineer and Combat Support/CSS sub units. I am talking about the Infantry, Engineer, Arty, etc units within the Battle Groups.


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)

Thanks, but untill recently I was a member of 2PPCLI and deployed with the 2PPCLI Battle Group in 2008 to Afghanistan. I don't need to look at pictures.


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)
How many are not wearing issued vests?

Yes you can find pictures of certain units and they are mostly wearing non issue rigs, but if you find pics of other units they will all be wearing the tac vest.


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)
I have completed basic the same as you have,

Super, I've also completed a lot more courses since then and have a tour. Have you been to Afghanistan let alone left the training system?


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)
MY OPINION is that the rig is insufficient.

Where did I ever say I thought you were wrong? I agree with you. All I said was that the tac vest is fine for courses like Basic Training, etc not for actual use in Combat Arms units and overseas.


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452891)
On my course we had to attach the old style webbing (forget the pattern number right now)

82 pattern webbing I believe


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452891)
butpack to the back of our tac-vests because there was insufficient room in the vest and we were not issued small packs.

I've never done the buttpack to the tac vest thing. And I also wasn't issued a small pack in the training system. But for the most part the tac vest not being able to hold everything on basic, sq type courses is because of stupid kit lists that have you carry unrealistic items for FFO. ie rain gear, socks, etc all that goes into your pack if needed. On tour the chest rig(and the MAV I have now) I used wouldn't be able to carry all the kit listed on some of those kit lists, all you need is ammo, grenades, medical kit, comms, water and other small mission essential kit in your FFO.

RecceGod April 23rd, 2011 18:05


Originally Posted by Specs (Post 1452889)
The area which you are talking about for attaching molle pannels is very small. Yes it worked for basic training but lets face it, 4 mags is not enough for the infantry. Groups which you are talking about, are they combat arms? Have a flip through the images here

How many are not wearing issued vests? I have completed basic the same as you have, MY OPINION is that the rig is insufficient.

How about roto 7 troops from 3R22R battle group, which I was on, who weren't allowed any non-issued kit due to Quebec area analness... they made due with the issued vest... But these rules vary from a battle group to another.

I wasn't questioning your opinion, and I think we can all agree that the vest isn't cut for the current job... I was simply backing up the comment made by Skeletor... Although it does fit all the mission essential kit, 10mags (some not so well secured or very accessible), IFAK, PRR, and more...

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