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AVF January 1st, 2011 21:37

Should I buy this gun??
Hi everyone
I found a TM hi-cap sale post in classified section
and the owner stated that the gun is used quite frequently
and the pictures does show some scratches, but the price totally fit my budget.
its around $12x

But after this, i saw in the retailer section
a new WE hi-cap is just $210(5.1)

Should I buy the used one or save up for a new WE?
This is my first gun in Canada,
i rlly dont know how people play air soft here

and also someone told me i MUST have a aeg or
I will be slaughtered every game with a pistol
is the true?

I look for hi-cap, because I have a hi-cap gun(kp06) in hk
and i think it'll be easier to start with a similar system
and with two extra mag, i dont have to buy another mag here
(i brought the mags over)

Thanks for the patience to read my post
and answer my questions

DEATH2000 January 2nd, 2011 00:11

First, if this is your first gun and you have never played here before, get the TM one. The TM Hi-Capa's are excellent guns and you can find a huge sticky on them that covers pretty much everything you would need to know about it. Used frequently doesnt always mean abused. I use my TM Hi Capa all the time because i love it. Why spend an extra $80-90 on your first gun? If you liked the Hi-Cap in HK then stick with it here. Try out the TM. Depending on the brand of mag they might not be compatible with the WE one.

You dont NEED an AEG, however if your playing outdoors it is highly recommenced as they have a much longer range and are much more accurate. If your playing indoors then you can sport just a pistol depending on the type of game your playing. Their is nothing wrong with running just a pistol, as i have on numerous occasions.

ThunderCactus January 2nd, 2011 00:37

Don't buy something cool, buy something that WORKS.
tokyo marui AEG's are the best starter guns

L473ncy January 2nd, 2011 04:16

I've seen someone rock a pistol once to an outdoor game. Guy was sneaky as fuck and the pistol was upgraded as well.

You don't NEED an AEG but unless you upgrade the pistol and run heavier BB's (at the cost of having a slower projectile = more leading of your shots relative to your target) you will generally be outgunned by people with 380 FPS rifles that have properly tuned hop ups, using .28's and all that jazz. Plus AEG's are automatic and the Hi-Capa is semi (unless you do the "full auto mod" (involves sanding/dremeling some part in order to get it to function full auto, beware that mod is unreversable) or get a Hi-Capa "Extreme").

I'd say get the TM if you can verify the seller took good care of it. Scratches are really just external aesthetics and will happen from use. If the seller is that upfront with you then it's probably a good bet that it was at least relatively well taken care of.

Also, the WE GBBR (GBB Rifle) line is great or so I'm told but apparently their GBB pistol line leaves something to be desired.

Ross January 2nd, 2011 10:42

I've gamed my pistol outdoor as a primary a few times. It works ok. But make sure you have many mags. Walking back to respawn every 10 minutes because your empty is annoying. You also can't really support other players as well because your rate of fire and ammo limits are somewhat low. But the bonus is speed. You can holster your gun, and run full tilt through a bush, and have bbs hit the trees behind you. Oh man, come faster summer, I miss you.

Kuro_Neko January 2nd, 2011 10:56

I'll add my weight to the TM over the WE. WE's are cheap, and look nice. But they have severe quality issues. They have a bad tendency to rip themselves to pieces. This is most frequently seen in their 1911's. I haven't heard anything specific to their hicappa's but it's a good bet that they have similar problems. As far as pistols go, you can't do better then a TM hicappa. If you're planning to use a pistol as a primary then I wouldn't recommend anything but. They're accurate, reliable and have a huge amount of addons and upgrades available for them.

Something that concerns alot of people when it comes to pistols is full metal or not. ABS is more efficient, and all the higher quality manufacturers tend to only produce in ABS. For those that only want a pistol as a sidearm, well full metal just looks and feels so much nicer, generally better kick as well, but for a primary staying ABS is generally better. The downsides to full metal are they use more gas to move the heavier slide (this is particularly a concern in singlestack guns like the 1911) and generally cause more wear on the parts. Also, because of the heavier kick, the accuracy goes down, especially in rapid fire.

Upgrading the higher quality abs guns to full metal is possible but very expensive. It usually easily doubles the cost of the weapon if not more. There's a couple of guys who sometimes build and sell upgraded pistols, frequently in full metal. But you're looking at a price tag of $700-$1300.

If you're planing on using your pistol frequently as a primary then go with the TM hicapa. That said, as others have already mentioned, using a pistol as a primary, especially outdoors, is not advised. AEG rifles have better range, better accuracy, higher ammo capacity and are full auto. Unless you're very good a sneaking around you're going to get slaughtered. Another thing that's been mentioned, is if you're going to run a pistol as a primary, you're going to need a lot of mags, and those aren't cheap. At the minimum you'll probably want at least five mags. At $40-$50 a pop that's doubling your cost.

AngelusNex January 2nd, 2011 11:40

Go with the TM, WE pistols are of very poor quality , pretty much the opposite of their rifles.

AVF January 2nd, 2011 22:29

Thanks guys
I guess I will pm the seller tonight

and what should I be aware of
before i buy the gun?
like what part of the gun he changed?
or what kinda of damage the gun has?

Kuro_Neko January 3rd, 2011 10:50

Always best to ask if it's stock or upgraded, about any noticeable wear and tear, and roughly how much use its seen. That said, we self-police ourselves very well. If he has a decent trader rating then you can trust that you'll be getting a good item without any hidden surprises.

Enjoi January 3rd, 2011 11:16


Originally Posted by Kuro_Neko (Post 1379206)
I'll add my weight to the TM over the WE. WE's are cheap, and look nice. But they have severe quality issues. They have a bad tendency to rip themselves to pieces. This is most frequently seen in their 1911's. I haven't heard anything specific to their hicappa's but it's a good bet that they have similar problems. As far as pistols go, you can't do better then a TM hicappa. If you're planning to use a pistol as a primary then I wouldn't recommend anything but. They're accurate, reliable and have a huge amount of addons and upgrades available for them.

Something that concerns alot of people when it comes to pistols is full metal or not. ABS is more efficient, and all the higher quality manufacturers tend to only produce in ABS. For those that only want a pistol as a sidearm, well full metal just looks and feels so much nicer, generally better kick as well, but for a primary staying ABS is generally better. The downsides to full metal are they use more gas to move the heavier slide (this is particularly a concern in singlestack guns like the 1911) and generally cause more wear on the parts. Also, because of the heavier kick, the accuracy goes down, especially in rapid fire.

Upgrading the higher quality abs guns to full metal is possible but very expensive. It usually easily doubles the cost of the weapon if not more. There's a couple of guys who sometimes build and sell upgraded pistols, frequently in full metal. But you're looking at a price tag of $700-$1300.

If you're planing on using your pistol frequently as a primary then go with the TM hicapa. That said, as others have already mentioned, using a pistol as a primary, especially outdoors, is not advised. AEG rifles have better range, better accuracy, higher ammo capacity and are full auto. Unless you're very good a sneaking around you're going to get slaughtered. Another thing that's been mentioned, is if you're going to run a pistol as a primary, you're going to need a lot of mags, and those aren't cheap. At the minimum you'll probably want at least five mags. At $40-$50 a pop that's doubling your cost.

Whats with Pistol Magazines being so expensive? 40 bucks a pop? for what reason?!?! I got 5 Metal 68 Round M4 Mags for 50 bucks! GAH! I`m going broke so fast...

DEATH2000 January 3rd, 2011 11:55


Originally Posted by Enjoi (Post 1379663)

Whats with Pistol Magazines being so expensive? 40 bucks a pop? for what reason?!?! I got 5 Metal 68 Round M4 Mags for 50 bucks! GAH! I`m going broke so fast...

Pistol magazines are usually more complicated to build. All my pistol mags are metal because of the gas reservoir in them. Mags for an AEG are usually plastic and contain a spring to feed the BB's and be made with less effort and cost.

L473ncy January 3rd, 2011 12:52


Originally Posted by Enjoi (Post 1379663)

Whats with Pistol Magazines being so expensive? 40 bucks a pop? for what reason?!?! I got 5 Metal 68 Round M4 Mags for 50 bucks! GAH! I`m going broke so fast...

Get a few hi-capa magazines from Asia they're $30 each. Add in shipping and possibly duties/taxes then you're looking at around $35-40 each depending on how many you buy.

But like death2000 above me said it's materials and technology that's the major cost. Plus AEG mags are plastic, but lets say you get a metal AEG mag, the construction is simple enough just a piece of metal with a spring to push BB's up the follower, GBB mags on the other hand require that AND a gas reservoir, now whether or not that's worth the extra $10 premium I'm not sure but thats the costs, and thats the costs of doing business.

Enjoi January 3rd, 2011 19:20

Thanks Death2000 and Latency...

I guess it makes sense that way....damn though....and once they start to leak...they're useless right?

L473ncy January 4th, 2011 04:21

No once they start to leak you take apart the mag and put some silicone oil on the affected part or possibly head over to Home Depot or Lowes or whatever to buy an O ring that's the right size (they should come in packs of like 5 or 10 and cost like $5 which is a ripoff if you ask me).

Here's a youtube video about how to do it, haven't watched it through but it seems like it's well done and explained and plus the guy doesn't sound like he's 12 years old so probably isn't talking out of his ass YouTube - Airsoft Gas Magazine Leak Fix

godwin January 4th, 2011 13:05


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