Airsoft Canada

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aflimadimdim October 14th, 2010 18:25

Few questions? (:
I'm not legal aged yet but this seems like a terrific hobby that I'm taking interest in. I have a few questions though ;) I figured, ask questions now and by legal age I'll be somewhat prepared :D. #1 What is the legal age to get into and play games with airsoft? I heard they're 16 and I hope they are xD but I've seen some people say 18 #2 Where are the battle field locations and how much do they cost for a day? I live in Vaughan Ontario by the way #3 How much does it cost to get into this hobby? I've also thought that lots of adults play this game and they wouldn't want kids playing on their team so I feel a little intimidated by that ._. but once again this hobby looks awesome :D

TokyoSeven October 14th, 2010 18:32

I'll try to be as concise as possible in answering your questions.

There is no direct government appointed age to participate in any airsoft game, their maybe rules and regulations in regards to participation by the owner of the field but at this time no legitimate laws exists to my knowledge. Due to the nature of airsoft it is maintained through out this community that purchasing and ownership of airsoft should only be available to those who are the age of majority. That way if any incidents where to occur, the only person responsible would be held accountable instead of a guardian. There are locations through out Canada that cater to all ages, some facilities and groups allow people as young as 16 and I believe even under 16 in one specific place that I cannot remember at this time. Although the majority of the time participation age is set by the host of the game.

Game venues exist through out Canada and prices vary from region to region.

It has been debated and established that an entry level contribution between four to five hundred dollars would be sufficient to begin. This price would only cover the extreme basics and in some cases may not be enough to cover the basics depending on your choices.

L473ncy October 14th, 2010 18:37

Take a peruse through the FAQ section it should answer a lot of your questions and a lot more in depth than I can write out.

Age to attend games is *usually* 18+ (because you can sign your own waivers and whatnot). SOME places will allow 16+ with a parent or guardian signing the waiver however they're not really common to the best of my knowledge.

Take a look at the games and events section and you'll see. I don't know about over in the East so that's the best I can do. Field fees can range from $10-25+ (and big weekend milsim games might be $100 or more).

Startup costs are variable really. It *can* be done on $600 if you snag the right deals at the right times and are smart with your money, but comfortably it's more reasonable to budget $750-850. It doesn't have to be spent all at once but budget $450 to start with the bare minimum then another $200 over the next few months to get other gear you "need" like some sort of vest/chestrig, PB mask/goggles (assuming you rent/borrow from the field the first game), extra mags (a high cap is OK for the first game but you should consider getting mid and low cap mags later down the road), etc.

aflimadimdim October 14th, 2010 18:37

Ah I see thank you for clearing those questions up (: Could you explain what the 400-500 would be used on? I'm also interested in sniping and have been looking at a few, Are the guns avalible out of the box? Would I need to tweek them or buy things from it? Other then a scope and bipod

aflimadimdim October 14th, 2010 18:39


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1332376)
Take a peruse through the FAQ section it should answer a lot of your questions and a lot more in depth than I can write out.

Age to attend games is *usually* 18+ (because you can sign your own waivers and whatnot). SOME places will allow 16+ with a parent or guardian signing the waiver however they're not really common to the best of my knowledge.

Take a look at the games and events section and you'll see. I don't know about over in the East so that's the best I can do. Field fees can range from $10-25+ (and big weekend milsim games might be $100 or more).

Startup costs are variable really. It *can* be done on $600 if you snag the right deals at the right times and are smart with your money, but comfortably it's more reasonable to budget $750-850. It doesn't have to be spent all at once but budget $450 to start with the bare minimum then another $200 over the next few months to get other gear you "need" like some sort of vest/chestrig, PB mask/goggles (assuming you rent/borrow from the field the first game), extra mags (a high cap is OK for the first game but you should consider getting mid and low cap mags later down the road), etc.

Alright I'll go there right now :D

L473ncy October 14th, 2010 18:49

No need to double post within like 2 minutes. Please use the edit button next time.

Anyways I'll give you a quick breakdown of my startup costs:

Gun $450
BDU's $60
Eyeprotection: I paid $30 (JT sells entry level paintball goggles for like $40 but the nice ones that you'll want to spring for if you can are probably the JT Flex8's that cost around $80 BNIB)
Boots I reused my hiking boots but I paid like $80-90 for them (regular $120)
Chest Rig: $90

I spent $510 for my first game. SO, as you can see I borrowed a lot of gear from my first few games and slowly accumulated gear over the next few months.

Also I'll tell you now that if you want to be a sniper you're definitely going to go way over budget. They need a lot of tuning, tweaking, and upgrades to make them good sniper rifles. At minimum you'd be looking at spending $1200 for a good sniper rifle that is consistent/precise and accurate and it's not even for everyone, it's not like COD or w/e (or even ArmA/Operation Flashpoint which are even more realistic games) it's actually quite boring.

TokyoSeven October 14th, 2010 19:02

Everyone will have different prices points as some people view certain items as a necessity while some do not.

A pair of surplused BDUs $60
A pair of surplused boots $30
A JT spectra paintball mask $45
An entry level AEG $350-450
A bag of BBs $15

Do not forget the factor in the costs of shipping, the requirement for additional batteries and a quality charger to charge those batteries. As well as the need for additional magazines, a rig to carry said magazines and other possible equipment that you may require...such as the need for water. As it stands by the time a person acquires everything they need its very possible that what started off as a triple digit may easily end up as a four digit number.

surebet October 15th, 2010 07:15


Originally Posted by aflimadimdim (Post 1332377)
Ah I see thank you for clearing those questions up (: Could you explain what the 400-500 would be used on? I'm also interested in sniping and have been looking at a few, Are the guns avalible out of the box? Would I need to tweek them or buy things from it? Other then a scope and bipod

As far as I know there aren't any worthwhile sniper riffles outside of ASC's classifieds.

But figure a good one will run 500-900 for the gun and 1 mag. Add 500-1000 in mags, upgrades, scope, bipod and the rest.

It's also not a very good first setup, the airsoft sniper role is very different than most expect.

Rooster October 15th, 2010 08:12

I'm still fairly new around here and I can tell you that what these guys say is the truth!

Sniping is not as exciting as it sounds, I've not tried it myself but we have a Sniper on our team and he spends alot of time waiting for that one good shot.

When trying to figure out a cost, don't just think about an AEG and some camo. Things often overlooked include
-extra batteries
-a good charger to keep those batteries working (the charger that come with the AEG are no good)
-extra mags (most AEG's come with one hicap and you'll want to get a handful of midcaps)
-Good boots will save your ankles
-A vest, sling etc to carry your new toy and all the mags.

Just a few extras to take into account..

Kita October 15th, 2010 14:06


Originally Posted by aflimadimdim (Post 1332377)
Ah I see thank you for clearing those questions up (: Could you explain what the 400-500 would be used on? I'm also interested in sniping and have been looking at a few, Are the guns avalible out of the box? Would I need to tweek them or buy things from it? Other then a scope and bipod

Here you go-


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1331449)
Why not to get a sniper rifle as a first gun.

As for a preview of prices see surebets sig, he spent a lot of time on that.

I would personally suggest something like an M16 or M14 and turning that into a DMR platform then eventually locking it to single shot with delay (via MOSFET) if you really want to become a "sniper". Be warned though that path is really capital intensive and you're looking at $1200 in order to get a gameable sniper platform. Or you could go stock with maybe a few consistency upgrades and just be really really super sneaky.

And for a really good airsoft primer read

Its got rough price breakdowns and everything, great thread.

I can't speak on anything with authority since I'm still looking forward to my first game, but I'll trust L473ncy's advice.

Now as for the age thing, I'm assuming you are 15. You are going to have some problems finding people to play with I think. Most people seem to not like playing with under age kids. Of course just play a game of paintball and you can see why, but it does have an unfortunate side effect of making it hard for under 18's to play. Personally I just waited till I was older. If you are set on trying to get into those 16+ games, just remember to be as respectful and mature as hell. You don't want to drop 800 bucks on something suddenly to be unable to play with anyone.

I hear its MUCH easier to start up in the game when you get Age Verified of course. I'm still waiting for mine to go through :(

Anyways, good luck and have fun man.

L473ncy October 15th, 2010 14:16

Totally should have attributed those graphics to the rightful owner (Strelok). As for the AV thing getting AV'ed is more of a side effect of playing and not the other way around (ie. playing because you're AV'ed) since you have to show ID to the field owner/game host anyways. Sure you could meet a verifier outside of a game (say at a Timmies or something) but likely an AV rep will be at the game (ask if there will be one there first) and as long as you can get a rental beforehand (by asking if anyone has a rental/loaner available for the game) then it's all good.

PS: The way I understand it is that most airsoft games are "private games" with the host renting the field from the field owner in the case of a paintball venue and they collect game fees to give to the owner. So not being a tool is pertinent here or you'll find that you won't be invited to games anymore.

aflimadimdim October 15th, 2010 23:20

haha I'll be 15 real soon and I hope I can get the respect thing down (: I've been looking at a few videos lately, does the KAR98k count as a sniper rifle? Since it's bolt action and a scope can be attached and all, and to get into games can I just show up at an event/scheduled game or do I have to call in/sign up/be invited? Thanks :D And I decided to wait until I'm 18 it's going to be hard to wait though~ xD

Eeyore October 15th, 2010 23:29

Some games are public, as in they are posted in on this forum, and all you need to do is show up and pay the fees. Others are private and you will need to be specifically invited to them.

L473ncy October 16th, 2010 04:31

You should sign up and say you're going beforehand if the game is posted in the games/events section just to be nice so the organizer has an idea of how large the group they'll be working with will be and can possibly modify the objectives and game play a little to make sure everyone has a good time.

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