Airsoft Canada

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Camlax August 30th, 2010 17:54

Noob Questions! Please answer!
Hey guys, I'm new here and I just want to ask some questions that I'm not 100% clear of since I'm new to the sport of Airsoft.

1. Is the JG BAR 10 Illegal in Canada?

2. If a gun is over 500fps in Canada it IS Illegal correct?

3. I'm thinking of buying a JG BAR 10 from a friend in the US , it is custom painted camo ( 3 different colours ) and has no red tip, is that Illegal in Canada?

4. The JG BAR 10 he owns is a R700 replica , If I add a red tip would it still be considered a replica?

5. Why cant I order a JG BAR 10 from a Canadian Airsoft website?

6. Whats better the VSR-10 fully upgraded or the JG BAR 10 fully upgraded?

7. Is the VSR-10 a bad/cheap gun if I ordered from a Canadian website?

8. If I order a VSR 10 and throw P.E uprgade parts ( piston, spring guide, spring , sear set ) and use .28 gram BB's would it be under or very close to 500 FPS so I could use it at any field in Canada?

Sorry for the bunch of questions, I just gotta find out the answers to these questions!

Tex August 30th, 2010 18:02


Originally Posted by Camlax (Post 1306385)
Hey guys, I'm new here and I just want to ask some questions that I'm not 100% clear of since I'm new to the sport of Airsoft.

1. Is the JG BAR 10 Illegal in Canada? no

2. If a gun is over 500fps in Canada it IS Illegal correct? no

3. I'm thinking of buying a JG BAR 10 from a friend in the US , it is custom painted camo ( 3 different colours ) and has no red tip, is that Illegal in Canada?you can not import airsoft guns

4. The JG BAR 10 he owns is a R700 replica , If I add a red tip would it still be considered a replica? yes

5. Why cant I order a JG BAR 10 from a Canadian Airsoft website? get Age Verified on this website and you can find nearly anything you want

6. Whats better the VSR-10 fully upgraded or the JG BAR 10 fully upgraded? any cheap base gun is a bad start start with TM or similar

7. Is the VSR-10 a bad/cheap gun if I ordered from a Canadian website? depends on brand,nothing good is cheap here

8. If I order a VSR 10 and throw P.E uprgade parts ( piston, spring guide, spring , sear set ) and use .28 gram BB's would it be under or very close to 500 FPS so I could use it at any field in Canada?check with fields

Sorry for the bunch of questions, I just gotta find out the answers to these questions!

you will want to start here

as for importing read

new players are encouraged not to start with a sniper rifle, an AEG is far better to start out with.

Drake August 30th, 2010 18:19


Originally Posted by Camlax (Post 1306385)
1. Is the JG BAR 10 Illegal in Canada? legal to own, may not be legal to import

2. If a gun is over 500fps in Canada it IS Illegal correct? over 500 fps AND over 5.7 joules is considered a Firearm in Canada and must be licensed as such. FPS is measured with ~.22g projectile.

3. I'm thinking of buying a JG BAR 10 from a friend in the US , it is custom painted camo ( 3 different colours ) and has no red tip, is that Illegal in Canada? Attempting to import will most likely result in the gun getting seized. Period.

4. The JG BAR 10 he owns is a R700 replica , If I add a red tip would it still be considered a replica? Yes. Red tips are absolutely meaningless in Canada, they're a product of American law.

5. Why cant I order a JG BAR 10 from a Canadian Airsoft website? You can. Get age verified.

6. Whats better the VSR-10 fully upgraded or the JG BAR 10 fully upgraded? Fully upgraded VSR-10 :P (seriously you'll hear both sides of opinions for "which is better": do your homework and decide for yourself.

7. Is the VSR-10 a bad/cheap gun if I ordered from a Canadian website? TM VSR-10 is a decent gun, but needs upgrades to get it to be a really good rifle.

8. If I order a VSR 10 and throw P.E uprgade parts ( piston, spring guide, spring , sear set ) and use .28 gram BB's would it be under or very close to 500 FPS so I could use it at any field in Canada? For games, FPS limits are measured with .20g BBs as a baseline.

Sorry for the bunch of questions, I just gotta find out the answers to these questions!


JamesTB14 August 31st, 2010 13:41

I only know the 1 answer, and this guy ^ was right.
Anything that fires over 500 FPS is considered a firearm in Canada.

Although, importing a gun into Canada shouldn't be too bad, cases of airsoft guns being permanently seized by Customs are rare.

Also, about the orange tips, there is no law stating that they must have them in Canada, they're given that because they're all made in America. BUT, many police officers think there's a law. I personally have asked 3 different officers of the Peel Regional Police, and 2 have stated that it's not illegal to have a gun without the tip, albeit a bad idea. The other one stated that it's most definitely a crime to not have the orange tip.

Truth is, airsoft is still really fuzzy when it comes to Canadian laws, because of how much they look like firearms.

The Chad August 31st, 2010 13:48


Originally Posted by JamesTB14 (Post 1306999)
I only know the 1 answer, and this guy ^ was right.
Anything that fires over 500 FPS is considered a firearm in Canada.

WRONG. Read the Criminal Code or his post again.

Assault Pioneer August 31st, 2010 13:56


Originally Posted by JamesTB14 (Post 1306999)
I only know the 1 answer, and this guy ^ was right.
Anything that fires over 500 FPS is considered a firearm in Canada.

Although, importing a gun into Canada shouldn't be too bad, cases of airsoft guns being permanently seized by Customs are rare.

Also, about the orange tips, there is no law stating that they must have them in Canada, they're given that because they're all made in America. BUT, many police officers think there's a law. I personally have asked 3 different officers of the Peel Regional Police, and 2 have stated that it's not illegal to have a gun without the tip, albeit a bad idea. The other one stated that it's most definitely a crime to not have the orange tip.

Truth is, airsoft is still really fuzzy when it comes to Canadian laws, because of how much they look like firearms.


you see there's a reason why there's a court date given for anything a cop busts you on, from something serious to just speeding because cops are NOT lawyers, they don't always know the law, as shown by what you've written above. I like cops but I some STUPID ones in my day who didn't know shit about the things they were trying to enforce,

joules are JUST as important to quallifying a gun as a firearm, 500fps AND 5.7 joules are the requirement. airsoft guns can fire 600+ fps and be fine because they do not pack 5.7 joules of punch, thus not making them a firearm. like Drake said 500fps AND 5.7 joules, not just 500fps as you keep saying on here and in your last thread

guns WILL be siezed coming a cross the border, cases of guns NOT being siezed are very rare, you got it the other way around.

don't take this as me being a dick, but your wrong, and your still learning this was very evident in the last thread you made, please don't offer advise to other's when you don't have the knowledge yourself

Tex August 31st, 2010 14:02


Originally Posted by JamesTB14 (Post 1306999)
I only know the 1 answer, and this guy ^ was right.
Anything that fires over 500 FPS is considered a firearm in Canada.wrong

Although, importing a gun into Canada shouldn't be too bad, cases of airsoft guns being permanently seized by Customs are rare.wrong

Also, about the orange tips, there is no law stating that they must have them in Canada, they're given that because they're all made in America.wrong BUT, many police officers think there's a law. I personally have asked 3 different officers of the Peel Regional Police, and 2 have stated that it's not illegal to have a gun without the tip, albeit a bad idea. The other one stated that it's most definitely a crime to not have the orange tip.1 out of 3 =/= many, cops don't know every law

Truth is, airsoft is still really fuzzy when it comes to Canadian laws, because of how much they look like firearms.nothing fuzzy about our laws for airsoft they are very clear on what they are and are not


The Chad August 31st, 2010 14:12

Not "fuzzy" anymore.

Crunchmeister August 31st, 2010 15:26


Originally Posted by JamesTB14 (Post 1306999)
I only know the 1 answer, and this guy ^ was right.
Anything that fires over 500 FPS is considered a firearm in Canada.

Although, importing a gun into Canada shouldn't be too bad, cases of airsoft guns being permanently seized by Customs are rare.

Also, about the orange tips, there is no law stating that they must have them in Canada, they're given that because they're all made in America. BUT, many police officers think there's a law. I personally have asked 3 different officers of the Peel Regional Police, and 2 have stated that it's not illegal to have a gun without the tip, albeit a bad idea. The other one stated that it's most definitely a crime to not have the orange tip.

Truth is, airsoft is still really fuzzy when it comes to Canadian laws, because of how much they look like firearms.

You really shouldn't be replying with advice when you know nothing. There are guys on ASC that have been playing airsoft and dealing with our retarded laws since you were still in diapers. Actually, that's about the time the current laws did come into effect.

Read more, post less.

Blackthorne August 31st, 2010 15:46

But but but...he GOOGLED IT....he MUST be right!?!?!??!

The Chad August 31st, 2010 15:48

IF you can't understand Canadian laws and how they are worded, you may want to wait until you are 18 and AVd so someone can spoonfeed you.

Drake August 31st, 2010 15:50

JamesTB14, stop posting.

Comply immediately.

This is not a suggestion.

The Chad August 31st, 2010 15:56

wow 14......I guess it's not the youngest member out there. We should have a question like

"What is the amount you claimed on line somethingorother on your 2009 personal tax return?"

ThunderCactus August 31st, 2010 19:09

Okay guys back on topic lol
Camlax, how old are you? It's not a derogatory question, but knowing if your under or over 18 will help us help you :)
If this is your first airsoft gun, I highly recommend not buying a sniper rifle. It's really zero fun when your new!
Buy an AEG, learn how to crawl, hide, sneak and shoot. Leave your gun on semi-auto for most games. And if you find you can be real sneaky and accurate after 1 year of playing, then look at buying a rifle.
When you do look at buying a rifle, I highly recommend the tokyo marui VSR-10. Believe me, starting from a good base saves you a LOT of time, effort, and frustration while upgrading!
FYI upgraded sniper rifles can often be as expensive as some upgraded AEG's, it's not necessarily the cheaper way to go.
Between 400-440fps, .30g are the best weight to use, 440+ you should be using .36's. This is to retain accuracy. Check your local field rules for fps limits. Using heavier weight BB's will not get a 500fps rifle into a 470fps limit, as limits are typically measured with .20g bb's (sorry if you already know but it DOES actually come up often!).
Most importantly, higher FPS does NOT make a monster difference in range or accuracy. Ex; Amos and I had the same build of VSR, all the same internals. His was 470fps and mine was 400fps, the difference in accuracy was nothing and the difference in range was less than 12 feet. And my rifle has an effective range of just over 200ft!
Aaaaaand lastly, if you get age verified you can see our classifieds, there's usually some pretty good deals for starter packages on there! If your limited on budget, get something tokyo marui, it's really the best bang for buck you can get, it also retains it's value for a long time (as opposed to cheaper chinese AEG's).

I need to start making copy and paste documents for stuff like this.... lol

Eldin August 31st, 2010 19:17


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