Airsoft Canada

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pivotfreaker August 30th, 2010 00:35

aftermath airsoft guns from canada?
where can i order these guns but in canada or what store?

Strelok August 30th, 2010 01:09

Guess you didn't bother looking, huh?

Go look around the site. It used to be a very popular topic.

Redzephyr August 30th, 2010 01:43

Nobody can tell you where to purchase guns if you are not Age Verified.

If you're 18+, look up a nearby verifier in this thread, PM them to arrange a meet, and then all you gotta do is wait for access to the classifieds and all the retailer information you could dream to be yours.

pivotfreaker August 30th, 2010 02:00

are you serious? theres actually walk-in stores in canada that the 18+ section gets access too?

Redzephyr August 30th, 2010 02:07

As far as I know, there's a number of them that adhere quite strictly to it. There's an entire AV Retailer section, too.

I'm just waitin' for mine to get processed. Gonna be awesome.

pivotfreaker August 30th, 2010 02:10

lucky you

Strelok August 30th, 2010 02:12

Airsoft isn't for kids. And there is a reason. Get well acquainted with the FAQ on this site and you will understand why.

Redzephyr August 30th, 2010 02:17


Originally Posted by pivotfreaker (Post 1306000)
lucky you

Well, if you're eighteen, it's not a problem. If you aren't, then you're better off waiting anyhow. Don't try to circumvent the rules. They're there for very good reasons.

Boyso August 30th, 2010 11:53

This thread is full of (underage) fail.

Point is :

Wait until you're AV'd. It's not a suggestion. That's a system that was implented to prevent airsoft falling into the wrong hands, like those of underage kids.

It's not made to mesure maturity or anything like this, but liability.

Getting a parent AV'd for you just means your parent will get into trouble for you misusing a replica.

Wait and save money, you'll need it.

pivotfreaker August 30th, 2010 13:22


Originally Posted by LastSpartan (Post 1306134)
This thread is full of (underage) fail.

Point is :

Wait until you're AV'd. It's not a suggestion. That's a system that was implented to prevent airsoft falling into the wrong hands, like those of underage kids.

It's not made to mesure maturity or anything like this, but liability.

Getting a parent AV'd for you just means your parent will get into trouble for you misusing a replica.

Wait and save money, you'll need it.

that sounds like a good idea. ill save up my cash

Styrak August 30th, 2010 13:29

Also, lose the attitude.

redzaku August 31st, 2010 01:09


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1306002)
Airsoft isn't for kids. And there is a reason. Get well acquainted with the FAQ on this site and you will understand why.

so true buddy
this is my thought that people should be thinking of;
airsoft guns are so realistic that cops are authorized to shoot you dead cause they dont know if its really a gun or not, if they didnt resolve the situation
like that article where that suicidal native lady point a painted walter ppk at the police
so grow up, learn to be responsible, treat the gun as if it real, dont point it at people when they are not wearing goggles, and non players

TK-604 September 1st, 2010 18:54

I tried getting into airsoft when I was 18. Now that I look back I still think it was too young. I'm 26 and just getting into it now. leave the kids to play paintball and get into airsoft when your mature enough to really understand it and play properly.

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