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Tyrael August 30th, 2010 00:00

Help with flash hider
So i got this ak, and i want to take off the beautifully coloured flash hider. I've seen a few videos on removing them, but not this type of ak. (Cyma ak-47 aims). I noticed a little rod overlapping the flash hider, preventing an easy twist off.

(I didnt reduce size)

So im wondering if anyone knows how to take it off.


Strelok August 30th, 2010 00:02

Press the 'rod' into the sight, then twist.

Tyrael August 30th, 2010 00:08

Yeah, so i pushed on it pretty hard, and nothing really happened. I've tried knocking on it, however it wont budge. Naturally, im a little hesitant to whack at it, being new. So do i need a hammer or somthing?

Eldin August 30th, 2010 00:19

12lb sledge hammer works every time

If I were you, I would take out the inner barrel and attack it with the blowtorch :D

Tyrael August 30th, 2010 00:20


Strelok August 30th, 2010 02:16

You might need to remove the sight/flashhider from the gun and soak it in hot water. Chinese clone companies like to 'structure' their products with excess glue and adhesive. Give it a shot, give it a whack and see where that takes you.

If all else fails. Use a knife and pry that fucker off if its plastic.

Tyrael August 31st, 2010 13:20

Yeah, i tried that water method and i think its going to be a pry job.

Thanks for the help

The Chad August 31st, 2010 13:29

Use your girlfriend's hair dryer to soften up the glue, if that doesn't work, try Rosignol Lighter Fluid. The stuff in the yellow bottle. I use it for almost everything that doesn't come off with soapy water. There is also a possibility of freezing it and trying to remove it, don't know what type of plastic it is but it's worth a try.

Tyrael September 1st, 2010 11:03

I've heard the hair dryer trick, but that silly nub is in the way. No way to remove it, that i've found. Maybe a hair dryer and a good pry? Only one way to find out...

The Chad September 1st, 2010 11:06

Liquid nitrogen and a hammer :D

Tyrael September 1st, 2010 11:08

Canadian tire ran out of liquid nitrogen, so i think its going to be the hair dryer :p

(Hot-water failed me, i forgot to mention)

And how long should i leave it in the heat for? I think i may have done it too short.

VooDooPeteK September 1st, 2010 11:17

I take it this is from the states... They tend to glue these on since they need them to import them.

have you tried acitone? I have heard this to work in the past...... or just plug the barrel and paint it that will also work

Tyrael September 1st, 2010 11:36

Its pretty ugly, so painting is my last choice. I still have to find a dryer and some time to do this

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