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Ozone06 August 26th, 2010 00:05

Any canadian tactical tailor reseller out there?

One of my first purchases was a tactical tailor multipurpose pouch from the ten dollar dump bin at Army Issue. I LOVE that pouch, the main compartment holds a full bag of bastards with room to spare without making me sound like a maraca then there's a velcro flap that has a spot for three pistol mags, or 2 batteries and a speed loader.

The only problem is it's OD, I've acquired a CB CIRAS since then, and well being a 2/3's chair-softer and feeling the need to be all Gucci, I was wanting one in CB. Now before doing the tango with customs I was wondering if anyone knows a Canadian source for tactical tailor stuff.

I also noticed they have the Oakley SI assault gloves sell-able to civvies, I've got a pair of the factory pilots but thanks to getting soaked one too many times then improperly dried out (read left in the car). I'm looking for another pair or three in any event I might be ordering from them anyway. So I was wondering if there might be any issues getting a theoretically Law enforcement/ Military use gear across the border?

Any thoughts?



ouyin2000 August 26th, 2010 00:11

Off the top of my head, Dave's Surplus carries TT stuff, some of it even comes in CADPAT.

Also, I believe CP Gear carries some too.

Assault Pioneer August 26th, 2010 00:13

CPgear is the best, have dealt with them many o time ships same day mostly, email updates every step of the way and a hand written thank you note and free pin just for shopping with them :)

Darklen August 26th, 2010 01:27

CP Gear is great for some TT stuff, they don't carry it all. And it's only available in CB. I get most of my stuff from Dave's. I can get any color/camo TT offers (even if it's not listed on Dave's site) and I usually get it inside of a week.

ouyin2000 August 26th, 2010 01:36

Ah that's something I didn't elaborate one.

Daves is very reliable for shipping. I once ordered 2 pairs of boots from there, and they didn't have one of them in my size, so they phoned me telling me that, I chose a different (more expensive) boot in the correct size, which they charged me the original price for, and they shipped it the same day. Have made 3 or 4 orders from them, and been completely satisfied every time.

CP Gear is the same in terms of shipping speed and communication. I ordered a rank slide from them, and they ended up giving me the wrong item. I emailed them, got the details sorted out, and it was shipped out within a day of completing the details. No charge.

A comment on the TT general purpose pouches though. I think they could be made a little better. The ones that I have has dual zippers, and they make a horrible rattling noise when I move around. I've also have the ICE Tactical gp pouch, which makes no noise at all. So maybe have a look at that instead.

Ozone06 August 26th, 2010 08:06

Cool I'll be checking them out fo sho!

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