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FullMetalJacket June 11th, 2010 15:28

What does 56k or not 56k friendly mean?
As the title says, its time to get flamed!

Why do people write 56k or not 56k freindly or 56k this or 56k that in thier titles?

Just curios.

ex June 11th, 2010 15:29

It means that people on Dial Up Internet will have a hard time viewing posts with Large/many Images.

Zeonprime June 11th, 2010 15:35


Originally Posted by ex (Post 1253177)
It means that people on Dial Up Internet will have a hard time viewing posts with Large/many Images.

dear lord ex have we reached a point where the youths dont know what dialup is anymore? :)

ex June 11th, 2010 15:36


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1253180)
dear lord ex have we reached a point where the youths dont know what dialup is anymore? :)

LOL...that very thought ran through my head.

TokyoSeven June 11th, 2010 15:39

I have edited your thread title. In the future please attempt to create your thread with a descriptive title.

Zeonprime June 11th, 2010 15:47


Originally Posted by ex (Post 1253181)
LOL...that very thought ran through my head.

hmm, I think it's time to start colouring my hair, I think for every noob born in the 90s I get 10 grey hairs. think of it! They have never had dialup, or if they did, they were to young to remember it!

Schlyder June 11th, 2010 15:53

try telling them about when phones had no buttons.... or only having 3 channels of TV...
and explain a phonebooth.... and watch heads explode. :P

Zeonprime June 11th, 2010 15:58


Originally Posted by Schlyder (Post 1253196)
try telling them about when phones had no buttons.... or only having 3 channels of TV...
and explain a phonebooth.... and watch heads explode. :P

I have 6 channels now :) I miss rotary telephones actually...there was something soothing to the tack tack tack noise as it dialed. but hell if you messed up the number :D

As for phonebooths, I had my works only remaining public phone booth removed because the only people using them were the drug dealers and the prosties.

emokid94 June 11th, 2010 16:02

LMAO I remember dial-up XD That was before the video games and airsoft took over my life, so I didn't use it much. Ahh the good 'Ol days...

J-Man19 June 11th, 2010 16:05

Reading this post makes me feel old :(
Next kids are going to ask what is Wolfenstein 3d.

ericwilliam June 11th, 2010 16:06

Oh Dialup, I used to play the game Outlaws on the MSN gaming zone all the time on it and would get so angry when someone used the phone. And I'm a '91 kid ;)

horto June 11th, 2010 16:07

Chess? Later. Let's play Global Thermonuclear War!

Styrak June 11th, 2010 16:11


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1253180)
dear lord ex have we reached a point where the youths dont know what dialup is anymore? :)

Oh god, maybe so.

wildcard June 11th, 2010 16:12

Bring out the Betamax and the laser disc

af122 June 11th, 2010 16:18

j man was wolfenstien that game you played in a forest shooting fairies or sumthin like that? lol jk that game was awesome

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