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Diffusion June 4th, 2010 01:37

Best looking Goggles?
I wanted to get some goggles but I cant decide on which to get. so I wanna ask you which pair of goggles are your favorite. =] your opinion is GREATLY appreciated =]

KND June 4th, 2010 01:39

Bolle X800 maybe. I have one and love them so much.

Diffusion June 4th, 2010 01:40

haha yeah those are really high up on my list

Amos June 4th, 2010 02:01

Yea.. The Bolle are high up on my goggle list

Diffusion June 4th, 2010 02:07

haha Im sorta stuck between the Bolle X800s and the Wiley X Nerve and Spear.. =S

Conker June 4th, 2010 02:20

Depends... going for a specific unit look or whatever?

Wiley's are much sexier IMHO.

Spike June 4th, 2010 02:22

ESS Advancer v12s ;)

Diffusion June 4th, 2010 02:27

haha Ive seen the ESS but 3 guys on my team wear em so i wanna get something unique and also which Wiley X? Nerve or Spear?

Rugger_can June 4th, 2010 04:09

I got my wifes pair from this place.


I belive I paid 50cnd after shipping, which is pretty nice all things considered.

Personally I just picked up a pair of ESS ICE. Not goggles per say.

Loathing June 4th, 2010 17:39


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1248433)
ESS Advancer v12s ;)

Got a set a little whiles back, I really like em when I can't wear ballistic glasses. Fit well with helmets, and a very nice fit when wearing bush hats.

I have a pair of regular goggles, and while they work fine with helmets they suck when trying to wear with a bush hat.

Drunk_Albertan June 4th, 2010 20:29

beer goggles

FOX_111 June 4th, 2010 23:09

Bollé and ESS have my vote.

Eeyore June 4th, 2010 23:13

Revision Desert Locus

Diffusion June 5th, 2010 01:05

haha thanks guys

Bandit June 5th, 2010 04:38

ESS Profile Turbofan. The most kickass goggles known to man.

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